Modern, Biblical Life

SUN., JULY 20, 1986, 6:18 AM

These Teachings are a means of bridging the ever-widening gap between the conditions of life in Biblical times and those of the modern world in which you live. Oh, in one sense, a very basic one, there is no gap, and Biblical stories and admonitions are as applicable as when they were uttered. But in another sense there has been much change, and My task is to help in the reinterpretation that is necessary. These Teachings give you some little advantage, and you have a few ways of sharing. Continue on this path, o son.

From My perspective, as I speak to you, modern life should still be based in and on the Holy Scriptures. Admonitions to love, to help others, to accept the power of God as real and as available, along with grace and forgiveness… are as relevant today as in those centuries past. You needn’t sacrifice animals to Me on the altar, women must be seen as equal to men in life as well as in the Kingdom, and slavery is to be abolished and never reinstituted. These are representative examples of changes, which must be put together with the politics, economics, technologies, and social systems which are so much different… and more complex.

Hear some comments on the economic situations. It is vastly more complex than in Biblical times. Even then I had little to say about the system, for, as Jesus, I really wasn’t involved in it. I trusted that the Father would provide, and I was satisfied with the provision.
6:47 / 6:59
There were not great banks, stock exchanges, international funds, nor the clash of economic systems that seems to be behind much of the world’s turmoil. And now these are conditions of life, and I must have something to say about these modern phenomena.

It should be no more difficult being a banker or a stock broker AND a servant of Mine than being a carpenter or a teacher. The dilemmas are different and the choices may be more complex, but the goal is still to love and serve the Lord God and to help others in their life processes. The help to one may be at the expense of another. It is rarely possible to take actions that are wholly good.

You would like to have more money in order to share more with others. You have no aspirations for more possessions, and of this attitude I approve. Perhaps you shall have more. If not, hold fast to this desire, and give as you can, trusting that I shall provide as is necessary for your good life.

Politically, each of the major parties has principles and practices that reflect Biblical teachings… and others that do not. I can recommend neither as the one that represents My desires, nor can I say that capitalism should be always favored over communism. I do not call for unqualified support of the Sandinistas, but neither to I approve of a war which shall bring more suffering and change the politics and economics and social life very little.

I applauded the widow who gave her mite from very limited means. I also seemed to favor the servant who invested what was entrusted to him, making some profit from investments. I was not a political king. I repeated that My Kingdom was not of this world. Yet I created this world, and I am a factor in its management.

SUN., JULY 20, 1986, 6:18 AM

These Teachings are a means of bridging the ever-widening gap between the conditions of life in Biblical times and those of the modern world in which you live. Oh, in one sense, a very basic one, there is no gap, and Biblical stories and admonitions are as applicable as when they were uttered. But in another sense there has been much change, and My task is to help in the reinterpretation that is necessary. These Teachings give you some little advantage, and you have a few ways of sharing. Continue . . .

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