Modern Life

SAT., SEPT. 4, 1982, 5:53 AM

Hear, o son, as I share some thoughts with you about life in “your” modern age. Yes, go back and put “your” in quotes, because it also is My modern age. Using the Bible alone can develop the impression that the time it describes (quite a long period of time, actually) was “My” time and that modern life is something a bit beyond Me. Not so. I, the Holy Spirit, am alive and functioning in this time and have been since Holy Scripture times. Listen and hear.

One obvious addition to life in this time is technology. You write these meditations on relatively inexpensive paper with a ball point pen. Before the development of the pencil or this type of pen the actual writing of these teachings would have been much more of a task. So, the basic principle applies – I can use the developments of modern life for the working of My will and plans. Understand that every development is not “of Me” directly, but I, as God, did create the system that brought forth minds capable of creating pens, computers… and nuclear weapons. Am I responsible? In a way, yes… and in another way, no.

Would you say that your grandfather is responsible for the life and doings of Matthew, your son? Well, without him there would have been no Ralph, Bob, or Matthew, so he is responsible. Yet there is a freedom of each individual in each generation, a relative freedom, so that he, your grandfather, cannot rightly take full credit or full blame for the actions and motivations of his great grandson.

In somewhat like fashion, modern life is an unexplainable mixture of people, matters, and things for which I am directly responsible and “the others”, which are here because of the potential I created. In addition, I can take natural or human-made creations and “adopt” them or “transform” them into something like a direct creation of Mine. This Farm is an example. It is now something more than it was before it became yours. It is a “special” place, and you need to keep this more in mind as you work and create and teach here. Be aware that there are places, even things, that I particularly bless and care for. Looking out for such can make life more interesting.

The machines of modern life create opportunities for modern people… and they also take away opportunities. With a typewriter and a copy machine you can, rather easily and quickly, make some of these teachings available to others, so that they can learn from them as you do. (And you know you have some of these to do!) With a chainsaw it is easier to provide the wood that shall keep you warm in the cooler seasons than if this had to be done with simpler tools. And modern furnaces make possible large buildings and cities where much service for Me does take place.

SAT., SEPT. 4, 1982, 5:53 AM

Hear, o son, as I share some thoughts with you about life in “your” modern age. Yes, go back and put “your” in quotes, because it also is My modern age. Using the Bible alone can develop the impression that the time it describes (quite a long period of time, actually) was “My” time and that modern life is something a bit beyond Me. Not so. I, the Holy Spirit, am alive and functioning in this time and have been since Holy Scripture times. Listen and hear.

One obvious addition to . . .

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