Modern Life, Again

FRI., AUG. 21, 1992, 8:55 AM

From time to time, o son, I must offer you some observations about modern life, as you are living, observing, and reading about it. In some ways principles and examples from My Holy Scriptures apply, and always will. In other ways I must continue to advise when new circumstances arise, ones that require judgments that just weren’t necessary or possible in Biblical times. I know it is difficult to decide “which is which,” so here I am to help you interpret.

As I have told you many times one very mixed blessing of this modern time is the size of the human population and its continued increase. There is not enough money and resources to provide for all the needs, let alone all the wants. The well-to-do have power, as they always have had, and they live that power up with the concept of freedom… the freedom to have more when many others must have much less. As you know I do not prescribe an economic or political system, and political freedom is not an absolute in My eyes, either. I have little concern about deaths. I do not destine each pregnancy. I am concerned about the balance of life on this planet, made “smaller” by the number of people now living earth lives.

I am eternally concerned with how you live your life… how each human lives her or his life, however long or short it may be, however rich or poor, however powerful or powerless. Little Nick Merschon’s life was exemplary, in just over one year of earth life. In contrast, some adults, and some elderly, live lives of selfishness and complaint about what they don’t have, wasting time in the earth that could be spent in loving, sharing, and growing spiritually.

Your form of government is an interesting one, wonderful when it functions ideally and “as it should,” but rarely does it do so. (Each form of government, even pure dictatorships, are wonderful in the ideal, but none come close to perfection in actual performance.) The political conventions can be classed as silly to abominable, a waste of time, talent, and money. But I have nothing better to suggest, except in terms of motivations, conduct, and real concern beyond self and “party.” Remember that there is nothing in the Holy Scriptures which blueprints this political system of yours.

Medical care is another area of life that has gone far beyond biblical injunctions and truths. I have no objection to the technology and the techniques that are saving and prolonging lives, but I am still only interested in the way both patients and care-givers are living their daily lives. A physician’s skill may be completely negated, in My eyes, by a selfish, self-focused life. It isn’t even a matter of who gets care and who doesn’t, but a matter of how that care is given and received. Many patients tend to become self-centered during an illness or injury. As I have told you, this hinders the healing process, and it often prevents intervention on My part. So, just remember, if you ever want My help in some medical emergency you’d better be praying for someone else, rather than yourself… and honestly so.

Technology shall continue to develop, ostensibly to make life better for humans in the future. I see the good that comes with certain technologies, and I see these also as hindrances to real better earth life. There are very few technologies of which I truly approve and which I see really improving life. I have particular disdain for the space program and for modern instruments of war. Frankly, I prefer wars with spears, swords, and arrows, if a war is necessary, which it rarely is.

FRI., AUG. 21, 1992, 8:55 AM

From time to time, o son, I must offer you some observations about modern life, as you are living, observing, and reading about it. In some ways principles and examples from My Holy Scriptures apply, and always will. In other ways I must continue to advise when new circumstances arise, ones that require judgments that just weren’t necessary or possible in Biblical times. I know it is difficult to decide “which is which,” so here I am to help you interpret.

As I have told you many times one very . . .

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