Modern Life, Yet Again

FRI., JULY 15, 1994, 5:55 AM

As the sun appears on an overcast, summer day I have called you to this familiar place for a Teaching. Is it an important one? In content, probably not, but in process it always is. Even when you are pressed for the use of your time there is no better way you can spend an hour than with Me. And the letter from Caryl was just another evidence that the Ruminations coming from these Teachings can be helpful to some others.

This morning I shall offer you some observations on several aspects of modern life. My Holy Scriptures, written and put together as a canon so many years ago now, give some guidance, but cannot speak to some issues in this “modern” time in which you live. I, the Holy Spirit, am outside of time and am quite as comfortable with life today as I was in Abraham’s time., David’s time, and Jesus’ time.

Let’s begin with space travel, since you watched the program dealing with that last evening. This is getting close to the 25th anniversary of landing men on the surface of the moon. Yet your “space program” is not progressing as it would have been expected to from that historic adventure. It was emphasized that these moon landings were almost completely political, in the “race” to outdo the Soviet Union in scientific achievement of this spectacular sort.

My assessment of this whole program continues to be that it is a waste of time and money… a chasing after wind, in the Preacher’s terms. I’ll reiterate My fundamental premise: you shall have plenty of “time”, each of you humans, to be away from this earth, so value your time on the earth rather than seeking to escape its atmosphere prematurely. The program provides jobs, but, from My perspective, these are unimportant, even silly, jobs. I can’t approve of a type of job just because it allows a family to live comfortably.

The best use of science and technology, say I, is in producing more and better food with a minimum of harmful waste and utilizing more of the energy from My sun more directly, again producing minimal waste that pollutes this choice planet. I do not now object to manipulating the genetic structure of plants so that more food is produced with less fertilizer, chemical, and less of other inorganic chemicals to aid in maximum growth. There shall have to be large areas of land given to panels to convert sunlight into electricity. Yet, what shall the electricity be best used for?

As I see the earth, the next generation of human adults shall have to balance numbers of people with “increased standard of living”… when this means more “things,” manufactured in wasteful ways. You do not live ostentatiously, but most of humankind cannot live in this high a fashion without more damage to the earth and its “other” life than I want.

I value human life, but I value a balanced ecosystem much more. I do not see death as a curse. Death is a vital part of the whole system. Births and deaths should be about equal, and I am allowing some change that will lead toward such a balance. Cancer is one means. More lethal microorganisms is another.

FRI., JULY 15, 1994, 5:55 AM

As the sun appears on an overcast, summer day I have called you to this familiar place for a Teaching. Is it an important one? In content, probably not, but in process it always is. Even when you are pressed for the use of your time there is no better way you can spend an hour than with Me. And the letter from Caryl was just another evidence that the Ruminations coming from these Teachings can be helpful to some others.

This morning I shall offer you some observations on several . . .

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