Modern Medicine

THURS., JULY 31, 1986, 6:16 AM

One of the accomplishments of this time I shall call “modern” is the practice of scientific medicine, with its surgical procedures and its vast range of synthetic medications. Yes, I have been a part of this development, even as My participation has been largely unrecognized… and even denied. I affirm that I am part of scientific work that is for the positive benefit of human persons. And medicine certainly is so designed and envisioned. And thus, on this pleasant morning you shall hear some of My thoughts on this modern accomplishment.

The theoretical basis of modern medicine is scientific, but rarely can it be practiced in a scientific fashion. The time and the expense to do this is excessive, and this is a practical deterrent. The main reasons, as you have often stated, is that the human person is a poor “specimen” for scientific study. Individuals are not sufficiently alike to make scientific projections accurate, and even one individual may be different in one circumstance than in another. What is My answer, then?

There are individuals in the earth with “natural” capacities to diagnose and treat deviations from health. Most of these have spiritual powers, and some do acknowledge these and use them well. Some of these practice scientific medicine, and of these only a few openly recognize and tell of these powers… or of their alliance with me in this specialized service to people in need. It is unfortunate that many of these true healers cannot get a medical education and thus are not considered legitimate practitioners

So, I must affirm that there are too many people in the earth in proportion to the number of “natural” healers, and therefore scientific medicine is the best alternative. Yet when it is practiced without regard for spirit – in the patient, in the healer, in their interaction, and in the very setting of treatment (and in the medication) – it can be only partially successful.

Synthetic medicines are necessary when a population is large… but also because cultures like yours have lost the capacity to utilize more natural remedies. Medicines become the substitute for real skill in diagnosis and treatment. And I must admit that when there is not enough of that capacity there must be something. Yet it is not pleasing to Me when a person prays to Me for healing, and I know that medicines being taken are preventing that recovery rather than hastening it. Only occasionally do I intervene. Human bodies and spirits must often overcome the effects of medicine before recovery is possible. The practice of giving more medicine when recovery is slow can make this process slow… even impossible.

THURS., JULY 31, 1986, 6:16 AM

One of the accomplishments of this time I shall call “modern” is the practice of scientific medicine, with its surgical procedures and its vast range of synthetic medications. Yes, I have been a part of this development, even as My participation has been largely unrecognized… and even denied. I affirm that I am part of scientific work that is for the positive benefit of human persons. And medicine certainly is so designed and envisioned. And thus, on this pleasant morning you shall hear some of My thoughts on this modern accomplishment . . .

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