
MON., DEC. 11, 1995, 5:50 AM

Money is a part of your culture, and of a number of others, that I can use for my purposes. It does pull people away from Me, and it often is akin to “another god”, for many people, but, like many aspects of earth life it is not inherently evil… or good. It is a means… and, as I said, I can “use it”.

Money is a means by which people can exchange time, talent, and energy for the necessities of life… and then on to luxuries. In your culture there are an increasing number of people, including too many of the young, who have too little talent or developed skills to be able to earn what they want, even need. The sadness of this is that these young not only can’t support themselves but shall not be able to help support parents and grandparents when these retire or become unable to work longer.

I am not against government… national, state, and local… helping such people, young and old. It’s called welfare, and, for many Americans, it’s a “dirty word”. Governments spend money on many “things” of which I don’t approve, including a super strong military. Giving money so that citizens who are not able to work can live comfortably is action of which I approve. Creating work so that important tasks are accomplished is important, but it is a very complex issue in your culture, and I have no simple answer. But, in relation to welfare, it is a lot like grace, and you know I offer that quite freely and without excessive demands.

When it is sufficient for needs, and when needs are minimal, money is a useful means, and of it I approve. Yet it also stimulates greed and envy, and these motivations I don’t like. On the other hand, when such temptations are present and persons with excessive money give it cheerfully and lovingly to those in need or to causes that I espouse I am very pleased. Of course I am quite aware of the minds and spirits of persons with immortal souls… and of some, in particular. I know when you hold onto money that should be going to better use. Though you give generously to My Church (Presbyterian) when you put your check into the plate yesterday there was no prayer of thanks, no feeling for what you had done. In the future, when you write a check to the church, including the Christmas Joy offering next week, give quiet thanks as you write the check and as you give it. And then begin to do the same for checks to causes other than the Church… and even as you pay for more mundane things, like telephone and electricity. In other words, let your giving of money and even paying of bills be more of spiritual experiences.

I have reminded you, of late and in Teachings, of the privileges you have had in your life. The government made it possible for you to get an excellent university education, including your doctorate from Stanford… and this has been a means by which you have had a profitable and enjoyable career. You have been appreciative of this, in the abstract, but you haven’t really considered the money that was transferred from the government to UCLA and Stanford in order that you might become educated and earn degrees. It presumably was for services rendered to your nation, but the bargain certainly was yours.

Continue to be generous with what you have, and it’s all right for you to feel uncomfortable when your sons don’t seem (to you, at least) to have comparable values, spending money differently than you would. As I have told you repeatedly and often, I shall see that you have what you need… which means that you must adapt to what you have, for that is, by My promise, what you need. As you are generous, so others will be generous with you, (And if it doesn’t seem so, just know that it’s a spiritual test, of a sort!)

MON., DEC. 11, 1995, 5:50 AM

Money is a part of your culture, and of a number of others, that I can use for my purposes. It does pull people away from Me, and it often is akin to “another god”, for many people, but, like many aspects of earth life it is not inherently evil… or good. It is a means… and, as I said, I can “use it”.

Money is a means by which people can exchange time, talent, and energy for the necessities of life… and then on to luxuries. In your culture there . . .

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