Money And Spirit

DEC. 14, 1981, 6:02 AM

You have started the spiritual “week” off with worship, study, fellowship, and a pageant of remembrance and anticipation. Then came that discouraging time of dealing with your monetary responsibilities. You are wise in commencing this working part of the week with a teaching. Hear, then, o son, one that speaks of money and spirit.

Money is a worldly invention that, like all such inventions has the potential for good or for evil, for producing joy… and also sorrow. It can enhance the spirit. You know that when you are able to give to causes that can help people or this earth orb you can feel an enhancement, a bubbling of spirit. A good deal of money spending or bill paying actually has not much spirit quality to it at all; spirit generally does not leap like an hart when paying the phone or the electric companies. The other extreme is what you, and many others, are now experiencing… the stretching and squeezing of spirit because the money will not cover all the desires and wants and because bills cannot be paid. Again, as you now are coming to know, you cannot have one without the other, here in the earth.

This is not to say that better foresight and planning cannot prevent some of the anguish of situations like unto your present one. However, the diminishing of income and the necessity, yea the opportunity, to help an aspiring son were not of your purposeful making. The reserve to deal with changes such as these was consumed rapidly, and now you must do what you do. Shall it be spirit lowering or can your spirit grow, even in this adversity? Do you have a choice? Of course you do, o son.

The tests of spirit can always be won. You could be wiped out completely in money and credit. Then you would have your spirit, your mind, your emotions, your talents and abilities, your friends, and Me… and opportunities and some small gifts (like unto the one received this week), and I expect you to give to others as well as take care of your own needs. Paying bills is an earthly necessity. Giving to others in need or to My work in its many forms is spirit in action, and strengthened spirit is the most necessary reserve for times of need and trouble.

DEC. 14, 1981, 6:02 AM

You have started the spiritual “week” off with worship, study, fellowship, and a pageant of remembrance and anticipation. Then came that discouraging time of dealing with your monetary responsibilities. You are wise in commencing this working part of the week with a teaching. Hear, then, o son, one that speaks of money and spirit.

Money is a worldly invention that, like all such inventions has the potential for good or for evil, for producing joy… and also sorrow. It can enhance the spirit. You know that when you are able . . .

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