Money… The Root… ?

SAT., FEB. 14, 1998, 12:03 PM

The good part of this sunny, winter morn has been spent considering your financial status and the best way to improve it even more. As you see these “numbers” you are coming to accept, as Truth, what I have told you over these years: worry not, for I shall provide all that you need. Oh, I’ll admit that in earlier years you deservedly had some doubts, but you came through these years able to pay for all that was necessary… even some that was more truthfully luxury. Now is a time when you seem to have fewer needs… and more money that you expected. I suppose it should seem strange that your income now, when you are no longer employed, may be greater than when you were working.

So, let’s consider your life, in relation to money, as a “postlude” to this morning’s discussion. You have no debts other than this Farm, and it could be paid off, as one of your options. Your favored, comfortable lifestyle is not an expensive one. You both are rather frugal and are not likely to spend more than is your custom. This house could stand some repairs, but I like the notion that you two, and the house are just growing old together. The Farm itself just needs more of your time, energy, and muscle power than of money. You have no elaborate, expensive plans for travel, nor great desires to see far-off places. Trips to see your children and grandchildren will probably constitute your major travels.

Your vehicles are almost vintage, but they still run, and you’re comfortable with them. You have no desires for new, expensive cars or trucks. Good! Clothing? Quite sufficient and appropriate.

Medical bills could be increasing as you both age, but you profess, at least, to have no great desire for expensive medical interventions to prolong your earth lives. As you lose certain capacities see how well you can adapt with what you still have. You’ve done rather well, so far.

Sometimes it seems as though you have too much insurance, particularly on your life. I’d say that it’s time to sit down and patiently determine how much you actually have, and what should still be retained. Insurance is basically a gift to those of your loved ones who live on after you. I have no strong objection to this, but it can be overdone.

Speaking of gifts, you should consider what you are, and shall be, receiving now, in money, is, in effect, a gift from Me, in appreciation of your faithful service to Me, in several ways. You haven’t done all you could have, but as you mature further in spirit, you will more easily serve Me in ways that are difficult now. Your journey is not over yet, even with the enlightenment you now have. Don’t fret… the rest of it should be full of enjoyable, worthwhile service.

There is much that you, and others, can do with money. It can help to accomplish some “good things”. It also can be, still, the root of evil. In a materialistic culture such as yours money takes on much more importance that I desire. Oh, I can still influence…even in money matters… so I must see enough value in your culture to hold off encouraging radical changes.

I still want you to live simply and frugally. I want you to give as you have pledged to your Church, but I am not advising you, yet, on how to react to a rather demanding capital campaign… for more changes in your building than seem necessary. I approve of most of the programs and projects to which you contribute. It is important for you… and for your Church… to give, considerably, beyond your own needs and wants, to those in more need.

SAT., FEB. 14, 1998, 12:03 PM

The good part of this sunny, winter morn has been spent considering your financial status and the best way to improve it even more. As you see these “numbers” you are coming to accept, as Truth, what I have told you over these years: worry not, for I shall provide all that you need. Oh, I’ll admit that in earlier years you deservedly had some doubts, but you came through these years able to pay for all that was necessary… even some that was more truthfully luxury. Now is . . .

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