More About John’s Gospel

SUN., JAN. 28, 1996, 5:41 AM

You were concerned about having this Teaching… time for it on a Sunday morn. You were going to “do it yourself”, but I awakened you in time to light the stove and then again just before the alarm would go off. Just another example of My being aware of your needs, and providing.

John paints a word picture of Me, as Jesus, having a definite time allotment here in the earth, determined by Me, as the Father God. Nothing adverse could happen to Me until “My time had come”, and then the ending had to be played out just right. I realized this as I was living it, but it took John some years of reflection and continued Teaching by Me, the Holy Spirit, before he was aware and appreciated this direction and protection.

I have given you this increasing sense about yourself. The important decisions of your life were directed by Me, and you are now completing your life work as you should. You will have some tasks in your retirement, but, increasingly you must look toward Me and look forward to rejoining Me in an even closer way. You shall know when it is your time to move on.

John does hint at this continuation of life and the karma that goes with it until you fully accept Me. The hint is in the short account of the blind man, about whom the question was asked, “Was this blindness the result of his sin or the sin of his parents?” This is a legitimate question, for one born blind. As Jesus I didn’t reject it, but just said “Neither… but just so the power of God could be manifested”. This wasn’t karma, but just something “natural”, that I used to show the power God had given Me… that I had given Me. Yet it could have been a condition, blindness, that was merited because of previous sin or sins.

In this Gospel I say that I am the Good Shepherd, and I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me. These sheep have been given to Me, by Me. (I know it sounds strange, in words, but that’s the way it was… and is.) You are one of these sheep, o these many years after My time on earth, and you know it.

Then I said, “but I have other sheep that are not of this fold.” This implies, of course, that I choose others to be on different spiritual paths, but they still are Mine. Later I reinforce the implication with, “In My Father’s house are many mansions”… much room for those on diverse paths, but back to Me. But, finally, these diverse souls become “one flock”. How do I do this? Wait and see.

As Jesus I did miracles and revealed signs of who I was and what, as God, I wanted. But I was not accepted and followed, by the many. I had created diversity, and many of the sheep in that Hebrew fold would not come to Me, in the new fold I was offering. And so I died, that many, in that era and every one since, might join Me, without sin, even the sin of non-acceptance of Me. This is hard to understand, and even harder to put into words, but it’ll be easier when you come across.

The Gift I have given you is not understood nor accepted by most, so you get to experience some of what I felt. I went on teaching in such a way that these Gospels were written and preserved. These Teachings of Mine to you shall never reach this status, but they have been written, and can be a source for some in the future. Expect no more acceptance than you have now, in this lifetime, but also expect that you shall enjoy more, after you leave this life.

SUN., JAN. 28, 1996, 5:41 AM

You were concerned about having this Teaching… time for it on a Sunday morn. You were going to “do it yourself”, but I awakened you in time to light the stove and then again just before the alarm would go off. Just another example of My being aware of your needs, and providing.

John paints a word picture of Me, as Jesus, having a definite time allotment here in the earth, determined by Me, as the Father God. Nothing adverse could happen to Me until “My time had come”, and then . . .

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