More Comments On “Problems”

FRI., JUNE 12, 1998, 11:24 AM

I, Holy Spirit, come to you whenever you have the desire and invoke the “liturgy”. Of course occasionally I am the One who initiates the “conversation”, and you can certainly attest to that. I am the One who assures you that I am little concerned with most of what your culture defines as “problems”. Many of these are conditions that I, the Triune God, have caused or allowed in this earth realm, quite a unique site for spiritual growth. Other are just accidents, because of people, environment, and natural laws. I don’t micromanage this whole earth scene with its… 5.8 billion humans and lots of other creatures (many quite small!).

Your left hand is still a “problem”, the consequences of which you have not passively accepted. You are involved in some non-invasive treatments, which may help restore function… or may not (as would also be true of more invasive approaches). You also have adapted rather well to the loss of function and strength, and I always appreciate good adaptation. You are enjoying the experience at this Center and those who do the treating. Appreciate that this is quite a good trade-off. As you go again next week let your joy in being there be more evident and continue to call the folks there by name. Your hand is still, technically, a problem, but it has also spawned some enjoyable relationships.

The table in your study was a “problem”, with its piles of accumulating papers. You “attacked” it yesterday and accomplished the central tasks – organizing the scattered Teachings and refiling the various Ruminations, old to new. You can finish the task this weekend, aiming toward a truly neat place to spend some of your “home time”.

Our next Ruminations shall focus on Alcohol, Drugs, and Addictions, and you have been impressed with the two you have written in the past (with My help, of course). Re-read these, and then go over the recent Teachings that shall be the basis for this Letter. You’ll find, of course, that I continue to say, using your words (suggested by Me), that alcohol and drug use (and even abuse) are not so much problems to solve as relationships to understand and appreciate and to “work with”. I’ll also say again that much of the harm that seems to come from alcohol and drug use is behavior that is allowed rather than caused. When spirit is strong and dominant there is control that is more effective than that from the mind… or there is expression of feeling that is joyous, helpful, supportive, integrating.

I see children growing up in a wide range of circumstances. Home and community life for some seems to push them toward destructive behavior and lack of self esteem, but I see it in quite a wider way… in relation to the spiritual strength of each child. Some in the worst of circumstances have the power to “overcome”, growing in the process. Conversely, some in seemingly ideal circumstances succumb to pressures, harming selves and family and even regressing in spiritual strength.

I certainly would feel more sad and frustrated if one earth life was all any of you get… as the entirely of life. Rather, I am patient, and can help each of you to increase spirit here, and in other realms as well. Oh, there is some merit in the “one life” perspective, but I led you early on to see eternal, everlasting life as what you have had, are now having, and shall have until you willingly return to me.

And of course I should comment on the “problem” of nuclear war, with its increased likelihood. I have told you repeatedly that I have prevented exchanges of nuclear warheads as a weapon in actual war. The deterrent effect of these means of destruction has been effective for now over 50 years. Yet the bombs and missiles are still ready for that delivery that would mess up a part of My limited earth. It is a “problem” only solved when all of these, including your nation’s, are destroyed in some safe way. Until then… I remain…

FRI., JUNE 12, 1998, 11:24 AM

I, Holy Spirit, come to you whenever you have the desire and invoke the “liturgy”. Of course occasionally I am the One who initiates the “conversation”, and you can certainly attest to that. I am the One who assures you that I am little concerned with most of what your culture defines as “problems”. Many of these are conditions that I, the Triune God, have caused or allowed in this earth realm, quite a unique site for spiritual growth. Other are just accidents, because of people, environment, and natural laws. I . . .

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