More Comments On Prophesy

SUN., MAY 1, 1994, 2:29 PM

Comfort is more yours to enjoy on this cool, overcast day. But were the tingly pains that you just have experienced, making a nap more difficult really pains, or was I using this means to remind you that you must regularly come to Me? You have read two short, easy books in the last 2 days, but have had only one Teaching. With all the uncommitted time you now have I want you to “give Me My due.” This should not surprise you. You know how I feel about free will, at least with you.

Hear Me, then, o son, as I continue on with comments on These Last Days, experiences by Dottie Mae, even a more ordinary servant of Mine than you are. A lot of the theological doctrine she is reflecting is based on the exaggerated importance of free will. You have checked the Scriptures, and you find few, if any, references to free will… and certainly nothing as compelling as the stories of Abraham, Moses, David, and, particularly, Paul. One exaggeration in these stories is that, well, each decided, with his free will, to be the servant I wanted him to be. Bosh! I leaned on each. Practically speaking, they could do no other. My Will would be done.

Some folks I call mightily. Some I call minimally… sort of minor league servants. Then there are many I do not call at all. These have free will, which I don’t see as a gift so much as a “left over.” ( 2:48 / 2:56 ) However, I shall be quick to say that I do love those who respond to My call through servants or through the Church or by way of Holy Scripture and other spiritual writings. The lives of these can be just as holy and productive as those I call more directly. Consider this crude analogy from your short career in coaching: at the beginning of a season you would have some players from previous teams pretty well placed as to where and how often they would play. But some that you hadn’t expected, developed more fully, or there were unexpected players. Some of these would “make the team” quite as well as those you “called” and from whom you expected much. Also I am much more interested in what is in a person’s spirit than in their overt actions. Even the best saintly judgment on other humans can never come close to Mine.

There are a lot of evil deeds that I see in the earth each day. Yet I tell you I am looking for the positive… for growth of spirit, and I do see much of that in the midst of apparently evil happenings. The supreme example: it was evil for Me, as Jesus, to be nailed to a cross, to die a slow, agonizing death (even for Me to prevent this from happening, with powers that I had?) Yet out of this evil tragedy came the promise of eternal life with Me, the development of the most viable religion on the earth today, and Me, the Holy Spirit.

I have told you that I am ambivalent about prayers that are pleas to keep a dying person alive. I do like and appreciate the prayers, and those who pray with an honest, earnest heart. However, it is seldom that I take any action to maintain a life, beyond what resources the person prayed for has. So I get credit for some recoveries that are just “natural”. More often, it is the person’s time to pass on over, and “saving measures” just prolong the dying process. Remember what I have told you repeatedly: it is of little consequence to Me when any individual dies. There is much more to the life of any spirit than what happens in any earth life. And with the size of the earth’s human population, and its composition and rate of growth I see death as more and more valuable as a means of preserving the total interesting ecosystem that I have created and maintain.

SUN., MAY 1, 1994, 2:29 PM

Comfort is more yours to enjoy on this cool, overcast day. But were the tingly pains that you just have experienced, making a nap more difficult really pains, or was I using this means to remind you that you must regularly come to Me? You have read two short, easy books in the last 2 days, but have had only one Teaching. With all the uncommitted time you now have I want you to “give Me My due.” This should not surprise you. You know how I feel about free . . .

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