More Lessons…?

SUN., MAR. 31, 1996, 5:58 AM

This is a morning of wetness, with no “sunrise”, no promise of a sparkling day on which to wave palm branches. Yet, whatever the weather, it is that day, and let’s see if there is more for you to learn. The “angel study” is over, and there may be some lessons from that, also.

It is quite a week, this one to remember. It commences with adulation and an optimistic expectation of Who I Am, as Jesus, and what I can do for “the people”. It moves on to a realization (which I had all the time) that this “acceptance” had no depth to it, that “the people” wanted actions that we not an aspect of My ministry. Then comes the final gathering of the disciples, a meal with the elements that now are in Holy Communion, a long talk about the spiritual future recorded only in John’s Gospel, and then the “identification”, usually called the betrayal.

As a teacher you should always hope that what you communicate to learners will be accurately and well-remembered and “used” as you recommend. This story offers the lesson that even a fine teacher, such as I was, with learners I have had with Me for 3 years (a shortened undergraduate program), can be disappointed in the learners’ retention. The lesson to you: repetition, revisiting, relearning. Learners are beset with influences other than yours. If it is to be remembered, it must be repeated and reemphasized.

But, of course, in this Scriptural story you must also consider, and accept, that, for mystical reasons, I, as the Triune God (even then) wanted it to come out the way it did. If My disciples had been strong and loyal and stood up for Me, the picture would have been a different one. If, on the other hand, they had understood Me and accepted that I would die but then would be rather quickly resurrected and be among them again, that, too, would have been a different story. Yes, there are alternatives to the story, but it worked out just as I wanted it to.

Many of life situations follow in this “tradition”. “It happens as I want it to happen.” This doesn’t mean, necessarily, that you do nothing, for it may be that what you do, even in opposition, may be part of what I want. There is not a single “angel of death”, but, as I have told you, angels do help in the “journey” from the physical world to the spiritual world. Modern medical care, for all of its sophistication and apparent success has very little effect on death. Oh, certain treatments may prolong a life slightly, but, outside of time, of what consequence is this? I am not opposed to medical treatment, but much of it is “a chasing after wind”. This Scriptural Holy Week story would not have been “better” if I, as Jesus, had lived another week, or another year, or if I did not apparently die. It was the way it was supposed to be. And your life is somewhat comparable.

Try to discern My wishes for you. Accept certain discomforts and pains, but focus more on the blessings. Live life fully and joyfully for as long as it lasts. Your Dad is an example of one who has lived beyond joy, and that is sad.

SUN., MAR. 31, 1996, 5:58 AM

This is a morning of wetness, with no “sunrise”, no promise of a sparkling day on which to wave palm branches. Yet, whatever the weather, it is that day, and let’s see if there is more for you to learn. The “angel study” is over, and there may be some lessons from that, also.

It is quite a week, this one to remember. It commences with adulation and an optimistic expectation of Who I Am, as Jesus, and what I can do for “the people”. It moves on to a . . .

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