More On A Deep Theology

SUN., NOV. 19, 1989, 6:32 AM

Let Me continue the Teaching on this theme on which you will soon write. You shall have these current Teachings, but you also must go back to any that have been offered since your earlier Ruminations on this theme. There must always be a “literature search”, even if it is unsuccessful. This is just a small means of having you review earlier Teachings, if only by title.

I shall say again that a deep theology is one that is true to the Scriptures and that trumpets My concern for the balance of all forms of life and the earth and not just for humans. The psalms are a rather rich source of affirmation, for David and other psalmists knew that I am firmly in the earth and cared about it. As I told you, however, you will not find much that directly relates to the present day situation, for the human population was small, compared to those alive today, and it was a pre-industrial time. Search, nevertheless, for you must show some Scriptural credibility.

I am the God of the Scriptures, written mostly about My relations with a chosen people about 4,000 years ago, and then about My advent into the earth, as Jesus, God Incarnate, with a short time of teaching and preaching and living life fully, followed by the development of My symbolic earth body, the Church. Thus it has been nearly 1900 years since these chosen writings were put down. I tell you again that the Bible is sufficient Truth, but each generation must search for the Truth that is relevant to its life situation. You must seek the truth behind writings pertinent to another time and culture. Much of Scripture must be interpreted for meaning. Those who say Nay to this are merely interpreting in their own way.

I have led you, in a somewhat circuitous way, to life on this Farm, and I have allowed you to call it a sacred place. There is much in Scriptural tradition about sacred places. I led the Hebrews to a sacred land, and warfare still continues over who is entitled to that land and what is to be included. As Jesus I knew about the total earth, but I had to speak in ways that the people of that time could understand. Actually, I said some words about the more extensive earth, but they were not recorded or remembered since they seemed irrelevant to the time.

I, the Holy Spirit, speak for the Almighty God of this whole planet, Creator of all life and responsible for the balancing of it. I would have humans love and tend this earth as I would have you tend your Farm. Some of the earth is to be beautified. Some is to be productive. And some is to be left as wilderness. This means that the human population cannot continue to grow as it has. This is not a time to multiply continually. It is more a time to die than a time to be born. A harsh saying, but I have said it.

Interpret the story of Noah and the flood as one of reducing the human population and maintaining the animal population. Other forms of life were to be saved so that they also might be in this diverse earth.

Infections have been reduced, but the micro-organisms that cause these are still functioning and adapting in their place in My Creation. One organism seems to have been eliminated from its place in the earth. Many more have mutated into being, some to be compatible with human life… some more destructive.

I am the God of this balance of life. I am not the Lord of machines and unnecessary productivity. Your culture, for all of its partial commitment to Me, must come to more honest terms with ways that it is harming the balance of life. Your voice shall have no resounding impact, but you must use it as I direct.

SUN., NOV. 19, 1989, 6:32 AM

Let Me continue the Teaching on this theme on which you will soon write. You shall have these current Teachings, but you also must go back to any that have been offered since your earlier Ruminations on this theme. There must always be a “literature search”, even if it is unsuccessful. This is just a small means of having you review earlier Teachings, if only by title.

I shall say again that a deep theology is one that is true to the Scriptures and that trumpets My concern for the balance . . .

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