More Theology

FEB. 21, 1981, 5:32 AM

You caught the title immediately… so immediately that you were bothered. You had to consider whether I would have enough to say under such a theme. Wisely, you concluded that I truly could have an hour’s worth of teaching that could bring about your learning… concerning theology.

A good starting point shall be that which you finally displayed… faith and trust. In Me shall you trust. That is a relationship I desire and I shall reward. It also is a state of being good for human development. You live in a culture that prizes the independence of each individual. You are an individual in that culture who has always valued highly that independence. In that sense you could well resist the requirement of trust in Me, as many of your fellow Americans do. Yet this has not been so. You have faith in My capacities to lead and direct you, and you trust (most of the time) that these directions shall be the best ones for you. An important aspect of theology.

I am a God that creates for eternity. You were created long ago, and you are on a quest for proper relationship with Me, with other souls, with your environment (which, sometimes, is the earth), and with self. Finally, you shall achieve a rhythm with Me that shall be eternally pleasing to both of Us… in which We shall be as intertwined as in My life as Jesus. I shall be you, and you shall be Me, and yet We shall still be separate from one another. Enlightenment brings the clear understanding of this rhythmic relationship.

I am a God who has ultimate control… yet I allow freedom of action that seems to negate My control. The earth is a place of much joy and much tragedy. It is enlightenment to know that these are different and yet similar manifestations of Me. Recall that as Jesus I came to Jerusalem in majesty and in spiritual power on the first day of the week, yet on the fifth day I was betrayed and tried, and on the sixth I was put to a slow, painful death. Yet I rose from that death and completed that mission here in the earth. Joy… tragedy… joy. Without the evils of earthly life there could not be the development into proper, satisfying relationship with Me.

The circumstances of individual lives mean that these relationships are developed in myriad ways, but yours, for example, could be just as full if you were dirt poor or marvelously rich. Each condition is both a help and a detriment… and your present situation reflects that: your life is relatively comfortable, which allow you the development of this spiritual relationship… and… your life is comfortable which distracts you from this spiritual relationship. There is no perfect set of circumstances… one more conducive to spiritual development than another.

My Purposes are, at one and the same time, ultimately complex and mysterious and ultimately simple and clear. It is true that you shall never know My Purposes as I know them. It is also true that I want you to live in service to others and to the earth, being Me in the face of needs displayed and exhibiting a stewardship of My earth that shall help sustain it for the lives of new generations of humans.

I am both utter simplicity and utter complexity. To know is to admit that you cannot know. In the midst of not knowing you know all that is necessary.

There is not a thing nor a relationship that I am not. I am wholly in the earth, and yet I am also wholly other. I am Spirit, yet I can be embodied in countless ways.

I, the Spirit, come to you, even as you forget a ritual long developed. See, you are secure yet vulnerable. Though you are held in My Everlasting Arms you are always in danger of being dashed upon the rocks. Is this security? It is the best I have.

6:46 AM