More Thoughts on Sin

Aug. 19, 1998, Wed., 8:46 AM
Office, Pulliam

Certain portions of My Holy Scriptures focus rather definitely on sin.  Some are just descriptions of what are known to be sinful acts, while others, like unto these passages from Timothy, are admonitions against specific sins, in contrast to thoughts and behaviors that are more righteous.  And then there is penitence, forgiveness, salvation… and where is sin?

According to the Scriptures, then, there are actions that are righteous and others that must be called sin.  Yet intent is important also… and circumstances… so that killing someone to protect a loved one or lying to protect one who needs protection… are these still sins?  Or… was Paul actually exhibiting the sin of pride when he bragged about being a forgiven sinner… or is it not a sin to be proud of being a chosen one of God, with a mission, great to small?  Ah, Me, sin just doesn’t emerge as clearly “black or white”.

You have had some uncertainty about relationships among election, salvation, being born again, and sin… even sins.  Election means that I have “choosed” you, and you are now aware of and accepting of this “status”.  This means, to you (and I say Yes… Amen), that as long as you are faithful and serve as I direct you do not sin… or… your sins are not counted against you.  You are, as I was, as Jesus the Christ, sinless by definition.  You recall the one incident in My Childhood which is recorded in Scripture: I disobeyed My parents in going to and staying in the Temple when I should have been with them on our way home.  It was a sin, but it was negated by the motivation to “be about My Father’s business”.

Aug. 19, 1998, Wed., 8:46 AM
Office, Pulliam

Certain portions of My Holy Scriptures focus rather definitely on sin.  Some are just descriptions of what are known to be sinful acts, while others, like unto these passages from Timothy, are admonitions against specific sins, in contrast to thoughts and behaviors that are more righteous.  And then there is penitence, forgiveness, salvation… and where is sin?

According to the Scriptures, then, there are actions that are righteous and others that must be called sin.  Yet intent is important also… and circumstances… so that killing someone to protect a loved one . . .

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