Muse In The Garden

SAT., MAR. 8, 1997, 6:50 PM

Yes, o son, this is what you just experienced, and you asked if I had something to add. Well, you know I always have something to say to you, and I especially like these “looks at life” that you have… and which always include Me, the Holy Spirit.

Occasionally you still ponder how you can be believed, as one receiving regular, written-down Teachings from the Holy Spirit. This isn’t some soul that is “channeling” messages to you. This is the Holy Spirit of the Lord God (yes, write it firmly and boldly) Who speaks to you as friend to friend. You can’t “prove it”, but there’s not much in the spiritual realm that you, or anyone else, can prove. I am Mystical, but I am loquacious. You are not the only one to whom I have come, in this or similar ways, but you are one who has responded, who believes, and who if fairly faithful in this last-portion-of-life-journey.

As you muse about your life you have mostly pleasant remembrances… and you can’t help but be surprised at some of the events… particularly the “successes” in your life. You never rejected Me… or even the church… as you soared through those early teen and adult years. I was aware of this, and I helped a bit. When you finally get to review your whole life with Me you’ll be able to see what I influenced and also what you did “on your own”. You’ll see that it was quite a good balanced combination. We’re both pleased, and should be, with how your life has been.

You realize, as you look at today’s athletes you were an unlikely performer. But the two awards you won reflect the essential factor – spirit. You wish now you could have thanked Wally Detrick for the experiences in high school B football. Just accept My assurance that a number of those who were Punahou athletes under your “direction” would thank you comparably, but most won’t. Consider how you can still offer some thanks… to Tex, Ned, Elena…

As you muse on your life all the events seem “just right”, in timing and in choices made. You know that this is exactly where you should be, with Lenore, your life companion and love. The past is replete with successes… and just the right amount of loss… The present is wonderfully satisfying… and you’re finally having rather full faith that My provision for your financial future shall be more than sufficient. Like your parents you may even have some surplus.

Your teaching has had quite a wonderful balance in these last years, and you shall be satisfied with its completion, whether or not you have an opportunity for a “one course” offering. This may not be possible in the way that you have been envisioning it, but consider how one course, whatever its title, could combine the best of what you now teach. Whatever happens, you just can’t be disappointed.

We were together in that garden area a while ago, a very special place. As you have mused before, you never had a “vista” like unto this in any of your former homes. This is quite special… and, yes, it would be right for you to take down that grove of trees, as you envisioned… for a more unobstructed view of the end of future days. Of the billions of you humans on this earth very few have such a sacred place, and many of those who do don’t have the appreciation you have. Soon you will plant flowers and reseed the grass… and even contemplate some improvement back to the stone wall.

You can speculate that the good karma you are experiencing in this life as Bob Russell represents good “carryovers” from other “lives”, in the earth and elsewhere. You hope that how you are living now will continue to build more positive karma… or will strengthen you to deal, in the future, with less happy situations that you need to face and “conquer”. Your awareness of this reality in earth life should help you deal with these “times”, soon or later.

SAT., MAR. 8, 1997, 6:50 PM

Yes, o son, this is what you just experienced, and you asked if I had something to add. Well, you know I always have something to say to you, and I especially like these “looks at life” that you have… and which always include Me, the Holy Spirit.

Occasionally you still ponder how you can be believed, as one receiving regular, written-down Teachings from the Holy Spirit. This isn’t some soul that is “channeling” messages to you. This is the Holy Spirit of the Lord God (yes, write it . . .

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