Music In The Air

SAT., SEPT. 28, 1985, 6:19 AM

The music that filled the air in Shryock last evening was of a grand and magnificent sort. The instrument deserves these descriptors, as does the written music (in potential), and the artist supplied the skill and talent that made the music actual. You were in an environment of music, one of the earth’s better ones. What else can I say about music in the air?

Well, I can say that you should do some practicing in this week ahead, for you want the music that you put out into the air next Saturday to be the best that you can produce. Yours shall surely not be grand and magnificent, but it shall be appropriate to the subject, and it shall be an offering from your spirit… in the spirit of fun. Plan ahead, but also be ready with the songs so that any one can be offered spontaneously. Feel for the appropriate time, and don’t oversing, but don’t be stingy either.

It is obvious to you that there are great differences to your reaction to music in the air around you. Your knowledge of music is quite limited, so you react mostly from spirit and emotion. Some music kindles your spirit, some arouses it slightly with only minor overtones, and some is a negative stimulation of spirit (with much betwixt and between). You recognize this, and you sometimes would like to change the response so that more variety is accepted and welcomed. There is nothing wrong with trying for more appreciation, but just know that this is a very limited evaluation of spirit. Some highly developed spirits appreciate music less than you do… and may be able to produce none of any acceptable quality. Conversely, some with limited spiritual “position” respond positively to, and even may produce, a variety of music beyond your capacities. Still, it is one measure… one small evidence of spirit.

The music of Bach is certainly acclaimed, and he did dedicate most of it to Me. Yet it does not kindle your spirit as does some composed and presented by much lesser spirits. Again, as I have told you, I created this earth plane to have dizzying diversity, and this is but an example of My creativity. You need not feel ecstasy as you hear rock music, or opera, or jazz, just as you need not be breathless with every landscape or be warmed by every theological thought uttered. You are not a universal man, even as you sometimes try to be. I am not bothered by the attempts, as long as they are not excessive… and I don’t expect them to be.

You look forward to Sundays for many good reasons, and one of the best is “the music in its air.” From dawn till bedtime there is music, mostly in the Christian and classic forms, which helps make it the special day it should be. Be quite aware of this quality in the Sunday air. It is an important small component of your present good life.

SAT., SEPT. 28, 1985, 6:19 AM

The music that filled the air in Shryock last evening was of a grand and magnificent sort. The instrument deserves these descriptors, as does the written music (in potential), and the artist supplied the skill and talent that made the music actual. You were in an environment of music, one of the earth’s better ones. What else can I say about music in the air?

Well, I can say that you should do some practicing in this week ahead, for you want the music that you put out into the . . .

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