Must I Repeat?

WED., JUNE 26, 1985, 6:28 AM

You have accomplished a small but important task, o son, organizing the Teachings that I have given to you in these meditation sessions that have been typed and duplicated. Though you recognize that these are a small portion of all that I have offered in this six year period it still makes quite a “folderful!” The titles are many and diverse. As Our relationship continues will there continue to be new titles, or must I inevitably repeat Myself increasingly?

Well, you do know the answer, but I shall repeat it for emphasis. As these Teachings spread forth over the years in your life that lie ahead there shall be a perfect balance between titles that are new and unique, titles that are new but somewhat prosaic, titles that are questions, and, surely, titles that are repeats of ones offered previously. For that is how life is: some new and unique events, some happenings that are new but quite predictable, some that raise questions, and some that boringly or crucially repeat until you truly know.

This latter “promise” offers you the opportunity, as the Teachings accumulate to review what I have said on a particular theme over the years. You are doing this now as you prepare for this upcoming Workshop. My Teachings on Human/Spiritual Interaction and on Spirit in relation to health should all be reviewed and presented, in one way or another. These materials shall be the catalysts for development of the spirit within the group that We both want. You shall just have to wait and see whether the call for certain Teachings, as such, shall be requested. If so, you shall know what you should do.

You were disappointed yesterday in not having the perfect setting for your story about life and death with Raymond. You did wait too long, but if there had been interest the interruption of others coming would have been equally frustrating. I’ll now repeat one of My maxims to you: if you miss an opportunity that is truly important, the chances are great that the opportunity will come again, even if it is some slightly different form. So, rather than lamenting opportunities lost, always be looking for the lost opportunity to reappear… predictably or unpredictably.

Must I repeat? Of course. My message to the world and to groups and individuals in it is not so complex that it is in ever-new words daily. Repetition is important to real learning. (Emphasize this in your Workshop.) Grace is fundamental, so that must be repeated. Life is eternal, so I shall repeat versions of this truth. Spirit is the essence of life… doesn’t that sound familiar? You are an ordinary, above average human, chosen by Me, the Holy Spirit, to receive these Teachings in this fairly unique way. Shouldn’t I continue to repeat this? (The answer is “Of course”, of course)

And I repeat… be constantly aware and appreciative of people that I send to you to learn spiritual matters from you and from Me, indirectly. Don’t let unnecessary humility prevent you from taking opportunities to share spiritual insights with some who just seem to come to you. The right balance and rhythm are necessary… humbleness and forcefulness.

WED., JUNE 26, 1985, 6:28 AM

You have accomplished a small but important task, o son, organizing the Teachings that I have given to you in these meditation sessions that have been typed and duplicated. Though you recognize that these are a small portion of all that I have offered in this six year period it still makes quite a “folderful!” The titles are many and diverse. As Our relationship continues will there continue to be new titles, or must I inevitably repeat Myself increasingly?

Well, you do know the answer, but I shall repeat it for . . .

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