My “Anniversary”

MON., MAY 23, 1988, 6:19 AM

Yesterday was the day of remembrance… the anniversary, without number, of My dramatic entrance into the earth at Pentecost. As Jesus I had left the earth after physical life here, including an active ministry of about three years. At the crucifixion I said, “It is finished,” and I left the body, but then I returned for a time in a spiritual body – one recognizable as physical at times, but not subject to any of the restrictions of normal bodies. Then, dramatically, I ascended into heaven, and have made only a few reappearances over the years. (Yes, I did appear to your son, Peter, with a special invitation… unheralded appearances, such as that one.)

At Pentecost I, the Holy Spirit, “officially” became that “part” of the Godhead for Christians Who works actively in the earth. You know, as the Scriptures reveal, in a variety of ways, that I have been in the earth since its creation (it would be more difficult to say where I am not!). But up until Pentecost I had only special assignments (like “fathering” Jesus). At Pentecost I commenced My “official” regular ministry to humans, most particularly Christians.

Only the Gospel of John records My promise, as Jesus, to the disciples of My coming, as the Holy Spirit. So My entrance was foretold, more directly than that of My coming as Jesus. Luke told the story of Pentecost in the Acts of the Apostles, so, scripturally, I Am, as promised.

You have gotten the feeling, from what I have said here and before, that there is some competition among Us, in the Triune Godhead. Please put this perception to rest. We are Three, and yet, fundamentally, We are One. Jesus should be the focus of Christian worship, not the Holy Spirit. I assist in many ways, with earth life, and what I do is not dependent on recognition and acclamation by those whom I help.

You play different roles in life, and because of time and space, these may conflict. Your role as teacher, your role as gardener, and your role as grandfather may conflict… how will you spend a certain number of specified hours? Each one of these is you, and you do not “not become” one while you function as another. I speak to you as the Spirit, functionally, but I also am Jesus the Christ and Almighty God. Just as you are grandfather, gardener, and teacher now, but are functioning as a special learning servant of Mine, so it is with Me, outside of any constrictions you experience.

As you read the Pentecost story yesterday you saw a “flaw” in some of My previous Teachings to you, and you knew that I would comment. How right you were… and are! I have told you that one of the “difficulties” in My coming again, as Jesus, would be in the cultural form and place of the return and in the language I would use. The Pentecost story tells of the disciples preaching of salvation in Christ in some language, say Aramaic, and being understood by all, even as many languages were represented. Yes, that would be the way. It would be instantaneous and perfect simultaneous translation. As you think about it, it would be a true attention-getter. Then, in relation to time and space, and using the same principle, I could appear simultaneously all over the earth, fitting the cultural expectations of each group of Christians. This, too, would be miraculous. But would it bring accord… or turmoil? Ah, me. I shall not try it yet.

MON., MAY 23, 1988, 6:19 AM

Yesterday was the day of remembrance… the anniversary, without number, of My dramatic entrance into the earth at Pentecost. As Jesus I had left the earth after physical life here, including an active ministry of about three years. At the crucifixion I said, “It is finished,” and I left the body, but then I returned for a time in a spiritual body – one recognizable as physical at times, but not subject to any of the restrictions of normal bodies. Then, dramatically, I ascended into heaven, and have made only a few . . .

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