My “Birthday”

MON., MAY 15, 1989, 6:55 AM

Yes, o son, I did set upon your spirit both the urge toward and the title of this Teaching during yesterday morning’s worship. Yesterday was My “birthday” (and it could have been included in last night’s celebration), but you did need the sleep in the morning, so I let it be today, as a compromise. It is only a symbol, so the actual day is of little consequence, but, as you know, I do like symbols.

The truth I say again: I have “been” since before the earth and before time. I never “was not.” I am part of the whole Scriptural story, but then I had an opportunity, after My resurrection and ascension as Jesus, to “officially” come forth as a helper, counselor, and guide to humans. My commission was to bring and enhance the Christ spirit in those who would be disciples on into the present.

The disciples in that post-ascension time, were meeting together, trying hard to generate the spirit that would sustain them through doubt and persecution. The spirit was waning, and so I came forth as the Energizer, in wind and fire. I was as necessary as breath itself. As you breathed in and breathed out I was there bringing you spiritual capacities, like unto oxygen which makes possible the utilization of available energy. I was there helping to send forth the waste… the evil and unnecessary thoughts and motivation. I came like the air, but not passive… like the wind which cleanses.

I came also in fire, not absolutely necessary for life, but of great help in improving the quality of life. I warmed. I also burned. I encouraged one to be a warm Christian… another to be a hot, fiery Christian. Like the burning bush, in which I came to Moses, years before, I could help some to burn without being consumed. I revived and saved the spirit of those who had been with Me as Jesus. And so the “movement” continued.

As Jesus I came to Saul on the road to Damascus as brilliant, blinding light… and as an audible voice. Saul was changed to Paul, and he took up the challenge, even to bring light to the original disciples and to formulate the doctrine of grace out of My sacrifice, as Jesus. Put the two stories together, and I came as wind, as fire, as light, and as voice. That was sufficient identification for Me. It still “works” today.

The most controversial portion of the report of My coming was that I offered the gift of speaking in tongues. As the disciples spoke, in their own language, others heard, but in their own, different tongue. This symbolized that the Christ spirit was not provincial, but could come to anyone, in her own language. I was not to be trapped in one tongue or one way of expressing My truth. I came to you in English in a rather straightforward way, mostly not symbolic or poetical. I come to others in Scriptural passages, some in more ancient English. Whatever it takes to be heard and taken seriously…

Paradoxically My coming in tongues also means that I come forth as a prayer language, which only a few… and sometimes no one… can translate. Those with developed spirit can “understand” as a person “speaks in tongues” but knows that it is not usually necessary to translate this to more functional English. As Jesus I taught in parables, so that the message could be understood… or made more obscure. In tongues I come to enlighten… and to remain in beautiful obscurity.

The Church who is the Body of Christ but who worships the Triune God should give more notice of My coming forth as the active Holy Spirit. I was not “brand new” as one is supposed to be on ones birthday… actual birth day. Yet in spirit many of you also are not brand new at the time of an earth birth… another bit of mystical symbolism.

MON., MAY 15, 1989, 6:55 AM

Yes, o son, I did set upon your spirit both the urge toward and the title of this Teaching during yesterday morning’s worship. Yesterday was My “birthday” (and it could have been included in last night’s celebration), but you did need the sleep in the morning, so I let it be today, as a compromise. It is only a symbol, so the actual day is of little consequence, but, as you know, I do like symbols.

The truth I say again: I have “been” since before the earth and . . .

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