My Creation…

TUES., SEP. 9, 1997, 1:52 PM

“The earth is the Lord’s… the world and they that dwell therein”. This is a beautiful piece of Holy Scripture, but it is being interpreted, increasingly, in ways other than I intended. The key word is “they”. I intend it to mean all forms of life, with competitive and cooperative interaction. It refers to all forms of animal and plant life, but it is too often, these days, interpreted to mean only humans. “They” seems to refer only to humans… and, even, Christian humans.

My creation is a marvelous and diverse ecosystem, utilizing the “natural” capacities of this small planet, Earth, to sustain many forms of life. There is a certain amount of competition, for all forms of life are potential food supplies for other forms. Water is another essential, but there are many possible uses for water, and using it in one way makes it unavailable for other uses. Wouldn’t it have been “better” to make all of the oceans non-salty? Just accept that I had My reasons for what I did, as Creator.

Yes, o son, though I look at the earth scene in quite a positive way… and I call on you to do likewise… I do see “changes” ahead that will make life different from the way you have experienced it. As you openly admit, you have lived in a “good” time, in “good” places, and the rest of your earth life should be rather pleasant, for the changes should not affect you in many harmful ways. But it is not likely to be so for the students to whom you shall speak tomorrow… your grandchildren’s generation… and then on to the next, including Becka and Zach.

You Americans have economic, political, industrial, technological, and military power. You don’t see yourselves as “bullies”, but in several senses you are. You want international events and conditions to benefit you… or at least be non-threatening. With such values you allow and even encourage conditions, in your country and in others, that are destructive of the web of life. It is not a high cultural value for you Americans to live in ways that are “sustainable”. Even you, with your own ecological perspective and many Teachings from Me, are still too wasteful and go along with “the American way” that you know is unsustainable.

All right… I’m not asking you to give up refrigeration, washing machines, processed food, and… but I do expect you to be aware of how the extreme lifestyle, that is your culture’s ideal, is eroding My original, beautiful Creation. I want you to be aware of the extent to which you are an “ecological sinner”.

I also note that there are quite a few devoted Christians, American, who pray and study My Scriptures more than you do and even contribute more generously than you do, who are quite oblivious to the dangers ahead… and seem quite confident that I approve of their affluent lifestyle. I feel more comfortable with My less affluent servants.

As I’ve told you, in the earth life that you have left you should experience few hardships. Continue to seek ways to make the Farm, your home place, more beautiful and more ecologically sound. “Use” your hay in as many ways as you can devise. Continue to be creative in the ways you feed the rabbits. Recognize the competition you have from “enemy critters” in relation to chickens, and recreate a safer environment for future hens and roosters. Do what you can to make your garden and your fruit trees more productive. You get the idea – I don’t have to prescribe precisely how I want you to be.

TUES., SEP. 9, 1997, 1:52 PM

“The earth is the Lord’s… the world and they that dwell therein”. This is a beautiful piece of Holy Scripture, but it is being interpreted, increasingly, in ways other than I intended. The key word is “they”. I intend it to mean all forms of life, with competitive and cooperative interaction. It refers to all forms of animal and plant life, but it is too often, these days, interpreted to mean only humans. “They” seems to refer only to humans… and, even, Christian humans.

My creation is a marvelous and . . .

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