My Creation Is Vast

TUES., NOV. 5, 1991, 5:58 AM

Despite the relative smallness of this planet Earth, that I created in its unique form and position, My creation, in total number of plants, animals, and humans is vast. Though many forms of plant and animal life (including the truly small ones) are being lost because of human activity there still is a vastness to My total creation. I regret the losses, but I am not yet ready to intervene in human population growth. I have this capacity, and if I do not use it I must take the consequences of an imbalance in human life.

The Scriptural story is a beautiful one, and still the best one for the guidance of human life. Yet it had to take place in a small portion of the earth, focusing on one dominant culture and acknowledging only a few others. The major story covers about 2,000 years, and it has been nearly 2,000 years since that story happened. I was aware of all else that was going on in the earth at the time of the Bible story, as I am aware of all that transpires today, in the myriad cultures, with their many ways of approaching and acknowledging Me. It is not possible for any person to live in all these diverse ways, and there is no approach to Me that fits into all cultures.

You are aware that My Christian religion is the most wide-spread, but you also realize that the forms of it are many and diverse, even in your English speaking culture. World-wide it takes many forms, some that seem conflicting with others. And I encourage some of My Christian groups to oppose and even persecute others… and beyond Christianity itself the conflicts are many. Just know that it is impossible to hold to standards without conflict.

You read of the ruthlessness of Spanish conquerors of this New World, bringing the cross of Christ along with guns and swords. It was a time of slaughter and plunder, and native peoples suffered, but My cross is still dominant in this Western world. It was a terrible means to a good end. For along with the warriors there were gentle folk… priests and peasants, women and children… Christianity did not flourish because of sword-wielding defenders, but because of gentle, dedicated people for whom Christ lives, even as the practices and interpretations are vast.

Christianity could be the one and only, the universal religion of the earth. I could make this happen, in both natural and supernatural ways. I could do it by killing off all but the true Christians. That would be exceedingly messy. I could take up all Christians and let the rest devour themselves, but many would not so participate. No war could wipe out all peoples, except that directed by the Christian West.

Since I could do what I just have said, I must not want to do this. I must want the earth’s people to live in disparate ways. You know, and I affirm, that the total earth population could not live in the affluence you and your culture enjoy. You know that your affluence is not really sustainable, so enjoy it while it lasts. Some affluence always survives, but it is an uncomfortable comfortableness. (Yes, I said it!) Know that I am basically satisfied with the vastness and diversity of My creation and realize quite well the price that would be paid for making it “better.”

TUES., NOV. 5, 1991, 5:58 AM

Despite the relative smallness of this planet Earth, that I created in its unique form and position, My creation, in total number of plants, animals, and humans is vast. Though many forms of plant and animal life (including the truly small ones) are being lost because of human activity there still is a vastness to My total creation. I regret the losses, but I am not yet ready to intervene in human population growth. I have this capacity, and if I do not use it I must take the consequences of . . .

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