My Earth

WED., MAR.30, 1983, 6:50 PM

You are not surprised, o son, to hear and see this as a title, for there have been, yes, many Teachings before that have focused in part or in total on this aspect of Myself. You composed a fine Ruminations on this theme, so it also could be logical to assume that I wouldn’t speak to this yet again. I reiterate, then, that this is not a message of Mine that is heard much in Christian circles, but it is one that I want you to bring forth. This is My earth, and though I do value humans greatly, I want them (you), in turn, to value the lesser life of the earth comparably.

Keep an emphasis, in the presentation you did tonight, on the positive features of beauty to be discerned in the air, the water, and the land. Introduce or strengthen the concept that appreciation of beauty is health enhancing or health restoring behavior. Develop some specific illustrations which can take the idea out of the abstract. Even encourage some reflection on the part of hearers on past experiences with beauty.

The particular part of My earth that I have purposed for you to work, live on, and enjoy is, of course, your Farm. I have been aware, naturally, of your concern about losing the Farm… or in having exorbitant payments in your retired years. I like your concern, BUT I am disappointed in your manifestation of it… in two ways. First, you are not showing near enough faith in My willingness and capacity to see that the Farm shall remain yours. You are reverting to a mentality that says, “I must do it… or it will not be done.” And it is your logical, rational mind that is encouraging this way of thinking. If you will fall back to “the mind that was in Christ”, which is really much more spirit than mind, you shall accept that I have the power and the desire to give you what you need. It may seem, much of the time, that you earn it, but I want you to acknowledge what you really know… that it is I who give, even if the ways are indirect.

The other acknowledgement I want is that if you should lose the Farm (and you have remained a reasonably faithful servant of Mine) it would be ONLY because I want you somewhere else. I don’t say that I shall want such, but it is possible. Like life itself, appreciate it, as the special portion of My earth that it is, each day… as if it is your last time on it AND ALSO as if you shall be on it until the day you die and that it will remain as a part of your family’s functioning life. Have faith and trust. Leave the details to Me.

In response to the film you showed this evening I say that I do not desire that humans should have all the affluence that it now seems possible to have, in your culture. I shall say what some of your quoted authors have said… the earth cannot afford another United States… and cannot long afford the one of which you are a part now. Some of what is done with the resources this earth of Mine provides is silly… and some is downright shameful. Just know that this cannot be sustained, because it is not good for the total earth.

Also, as I have told you before, the population of humans must decrease, and though individual deaths are to be mourned, the diminishing of the population is a positive happening. You know that death is merely a movement out of tangible, bodily participation in earth life… it need not even mean leaving the earth plane. Many spirits, with My blessing, function in and around My earth, and shall continue to do so. And, then, there are many realms where spiritual growth can continue. Leaving the earth is no “big deal”.

WED., MAR.30, 1983, 6:50 PM

You are not surprised, o son, to hear and see this as a title, for there have been, yes, many Teachings before that have focused in part or in total on this aspect of Myself. You composed a fine Ruminations on this theme, so it also could be logical to assume that I wouldn’t speak to this yet again. I reiterate, then, that this is not a message of Mine that is heard much in Christian circles, but it is one that I want you to bring forth. This . . .

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