My Earth And Its Life

FRI., APR. 12, 1996, 1:40 PM

This may seem like a “dead horse” that I keep beating for you, but I’d rather have you see it as continued reinforcement of a concern that just can’t be found in My Holy Scriptures. In that time the population was limited, and its capacity to harm the environment was much less than now. The focus was mostly on humans and their behaviors… and most of these were more personal and social rather than environmental. The many spiritual messages dealt mostly with their present life situations and with moving on beyond this earth scene.

What I want to emphasize… and want you to focus on… is the relationships between humans and this earth and all of its other forms of life. And I want you to focus, as much as possible, on the spiritual aspects of these relationships. I, as Almighty God, created this earth as a unique realm for the development of spirit. How I did it is of no concern to you. If there were to be actual flesh and blood bodies there would have to be sources of food, available. There would have to be oxygen, properly mixed with other gases, and a system for continuing to replenish this… and how about combining this with intake of CO2, the waste product from humans, animals, and burning!

I also created small organisms of various kinds, some of which I knew would cause sickness and death in humans. As the Supreme Creator I knew that there had to be a limit to individual lives, and so I had to “build in” some causes of death. Oh, I considered a single age of death for everyone (like unto the Psalmist’s mention of 3 score and 10) but My higher priority was diversity. I also wanted humans to develop adaptations, and this (living through trials and tribulations and threats) was another facet of diversity.

So, you see that, from initial creation, death was an essential in continued “success”. Oh, I did “experiment” with some who lived hundreds of years (up to 969!), and decided that would cause too many problems. And, as you know, I’m a bit concerned now with various attempts to prolong human life beyond capacities to adapt. As for your culture there will have to be some cutting back of such attempts or your medical care system will develop into bankruptcy and chaos.

Your culture’s “experiments” with disease-arresting medication also may have to be modified or given up. I certainly don’t love these small bits of life that bother you humans like I love all of you, but My fullest love is for the whole panorama of life that I have created and now see on planet Earth. Many of you humans are either not aware of this or you don’t truly believe it. As you accept this priority, then the often frantic attempts to create, maintain, and sustain human life will seem less important, even inappropriate.

You see, the “system” about which I tell you is that some spirits/souls have a chance to come into the earth and live some varied length of earth time. Why? To have this unique living experience as a means to more spiritual growth. It can be difficult. Some will regress rather than progress. Some have lives that seem too short, too “cut off”. Most live about as they should. And some live too long, often costing them some spiritual growth.

There are very few deaths that bother Me. I don’t control, directly, much human behavior, so there are some abortions, some killings, and some suicides that I wouldn’t have “ordered”. Yet when I see the “whole picture”, as only I, as the Triune God, can, I am rarely troubled by any single death or any tragedy that brings multiple deaths. Births continue to overshadow deaths. Human life could become a sort of “plague”, unless I cause and allow in some ways of which your culture won’t approve. You may really want a “better God”.

FRI., APR. 12, 1996, 1:40 PM

This may seem like a “dead horse” that I keep beating for you, but I’d rather have you see it as continued reinforcement of a concern that just can’t be found in My Holy Scriptures. In that time the population was limited, and its capacity to harm the environment was much less than now. The focus was mostly on humans and their behaviors… and most of these were more personal and social rather than environmental. The many spiritual messages dealt mostly with their present life situations and with moving . . .

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