My Ecological “View”

FRI., OCT. 21, 1994, 7:12 AM

You spent part of last evening with a group that has concerns for the environment, especially the non-human “portion.” The presentation was on some of the men and women who can be called pioneers in the environmental movement, because of actions, the way they lived, and what they wrote. I wanted you to be aware that the presentation had very little focus on Me. My general name, God, was in a few of the quotes, but you interpreted this, or you do now, as a reference to some Force rather than to an active, personally concerned Spirit.

So, on this beautiful Fall morning, as the sun peeks through the multi-colored leaves, I’ll offer you an update on My view of ecology, the inter-relationships among all forms of life and this unique, special planet called Earth. Naturally, My view will have spirit as a much more important factor in the whole scene.

As your Triune God, including Jesus and Me, the Holy Spirit, I was the designer and creator of this special place for incarnated life. The “day” concept in Genesis offers the truth that there were steps in the process. Even I couldn’t create it, so that it all works together, in a short “time.” And, actually, there was no need for time then, so it just “wasn’t”, as it “isn’t” in My other realms now. So, slowly, the temperature, the pressure, the gases, and the important cycles began to stabilize and work together. Life forms were created, with the need for both cooperation and competition. The life form homo sapiens began to develop, and at one point that form became a living soul, with spirit directly from Me.

This human creation had to compete, for all forms of life needed food, and all forms of life were potential food for other forms. The human could eat some plants and portions of plants, and also the flesh of some animals. So humans were hunters and also hunted. Humans also had to deal with needs for water and with temperatures below that of their bodies. They had to begin to utilize the environment, again with both cooperation and competition. I was overseeing this evolving process, and the spirit in these humans was developing. I was recognized and acknowledged in a number of ways.

In our tradition I came rather directly to a man I chose, Abraham, and his descendants were My people. (Of course I had other peoples in other regions of the earth, and in them relationship with Me developed somewhat differently.) Though I speak here of spirit in the human I also want you to know that My Spirit was in all that I had created. There is spirit in grass, trees, rocks, rivers, and in all forms of life. This is pervasive spirit. Spirit in humans can grow, develop, and mature and becomes an immortal soul that continues on after death of the body, in a journey back to Me.

FRI., OCT. 21, 1994, 7:12 AM

You spent part of last evening with a group that has concerns for the environment, especially the non-human “portion.” The presentation was on some of the men and women who can be called pioneers in the environmental movement, because of actions, the way they lived, and what they wrote. I wanted you to be aware that the presentation had very little focus on Me. My general name, God, was in a few of the quotes, but you interpreted this, or you do now, as a reference to some Force rather . . .

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