My Full Gospel

SUN., JULY 5, 1992, 6:04 AM

This is Sunday morning, so, later, you will be part of a worship service. By present terminology this expected service would not be called full gospel, and the preaching would not be classed as a full gospel message. You should be interested in what I call full gospel. By offering you this title I assume you are.

By present usage full gospel means a dependency on Holy Scripture as the only truth, with rather narrow interpretations of these truths. “The Bible says…” is a frequent full gospel admonition, with reference to a particular verse. There is no concern for the context of the writing, whether it is from the Old or New Testament, or if it reflected a cultural preference of the time. “If it’s in the Bible it is truth for this day,” sayeth the Lord.

Now you know that I strongly favor Holy Scripture as a basis for faith and life, but you also know that I, the Holy Spirit, offer you interpretations that are somewhat different from the traditional. While it is important to fit your present culture to the Scriptures it is also vital to interpret the Scriptures in relation to your culture. One obvious example is the Scripture’s acceptance of slavery. A more controversial example now is the proper status of women. Full gospel includes present day revelations, but I tell you that some of these revelations are different interpretations of the Scriptures than the traditional.

This morning’s service will not be full gospel in the sense that all of the gifts of the spirit will not be recognized and exhibited. There will be teaching, but there is unlikely to be prophesy spoken in tongues or overt healing of physical ills. There will be an offering (and you should contribute), but most of it will go to this church and its needs rather than to widows, orphans and the poor. The full gospel is that all of My gifts still abound, and they should be evident in any congregation. The important element is not the actual validity of the gift, but the faith in Me. If the preacher should ask directly for a healing, laying his hands upon a sick or injured soul it would be a demonstration of faith that I do have the power to heal… and to respond favorably to earnest prayers. Whether actual immediate healing takes place is irrelevant. At least give me as much time as you give surgery and medications, neither of which produces immediate, bounding health.

The full gospel certainly must include a concern for others, particularly those with those less fortunate in the world’s terms. You must be ever mindful of the needs of others and willing to give, even at some sacrifice. Governments differ in the ways in which they help those with unmet needs, for when government gives in some way it must take in some other ways. As Jesus I did not outline a perfect economic and political system. In some ways gull gospel supports the government and the culture it represents and in others it should oppose.

The element of full gospel that is least represented in the traditional interpretation is concern for the integrity of My whole creation. To have dominion must be interpreted as being a steward of the earth’s resources. Human life is My greatest creation, but I also say that the first shall be last. Human needs must be met in ways that sustain the balance of life, for this generation and for future ones.

SUN., JULY 5, 1992, 6:04 AM

This is Sunday morning, so, later, you will be part of a worship service. By present terminology this expected service would not be called full gospel, and the preaching would not be classed as a full gospel message. You should be interested in what I call full gospel. By offering you this title I assume you are.

By present usage full gospel means a dependency on Holy Scripture as the only truth, with rather narrow interpretations of these truths. “The Bible says…” is a frequent full gospel admonition, with reference to . . .

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