My Gift Of Uneasiness

THURS., DEC. 29, 1994, 8:19 AM

Generally speaking your life is one of comfort and ease. Your child-raising trials have been both endured and enjoyed. Your work situations have been basically successful and pleasant. Your marriage has been what I intended it to be, a relationship of love and friendship, mutually beneficial. You have enjoyed all of your “places of residence,” but, obviously, this Farm experience is a boon to your life… and a genuine joy.

Your church situation is comfortable and meaningful. You have tasks that you can do well, you like most of the people, and you can truthfully say that this is a real “portion” of the Body of Christ. I came to you more than 15 earth years ago, and you have enjoyed and profited from Our relationship. Yet from this comes your uneasiness.

Sometimes when you hear that question that Bernie poses, as part of a case story, “Why do I have to be different?” you have some thoughts of this as a personal question. Mostly it is not conscious, but I am aware of it, because My Gift to you is the major cause of this “difference.” There is no defensible reason why I chose you to receive these Teachings that I have “beamed” your way. You are a born-again Christian (even again!), but you also are in a mainline church that gives little credence to this. So for you to declare, if you should want to, that you were born again into a closer personal relationship with Christ… and then that you were born yet again to this closer, tangible relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit, this would bring forth uneasiness in many of your church brethren, and, hence, in you as well. You would like to be able, comfortably, to make such an affirmation, but you can’t verbally. You write it fairly clearly in Our Ruminations, but don’t often so testify verbally.

One basic reality that I have repeatedly told to you is that life is everlasting and eternal. All Christians accept this, mostly in a kind of abstract sense… or some beautific sense of heaven for eternity. But I tell you that the purpose of life is spiritual growth, and that your present earth life is just one opportunity for such growth. This earth plane or scene is a good place for growth, for some souls. It has been for you, and so you are born and are here again, to continue your growth. Yet there are few people with whom you can share this with, comfortably. Lenore is one, certainly, and you should see this (her) as a gift to balance, in a way, this other “gift”… this knowledge. Son John Patrick, though a practicing Catholic, has this knowledge, too, and it is not often he can speak of it, comfortably. Does this suggest “anything” to you?

It would be a very uncomfortable situation if I should “commission” you to reveal this gift of Teachings to your fellow Presbyterians and to the campus community… perhaps even to “the world.” You are uneasy “in the closet,” but it would seem to be more so “outside” and “revealed.” I’m not giving you such an order, but I want you to be aware of how you might feel, if I did (and I can, of course.)

Another truth that I have emphasized to you, which you feel discomfort in affirming, is that I care more for the whole of Creation than I do for humans, alone. Further, that I am not pleased with the increase in the human population (even as I must be indirectly responsible for such, at least), and I shall devise ways to not only stop the growth but to diminish the total. Thus, I want you to teach that death is a natural part of this life cycle you humans have, and that I am not in favor of much that is done to postpone death.

THURS., DEC. 29, 1994, 8:19 AM

Generally speaking your life is one of comfort and ease. Your child-raising trials have been both endured and enjoyed. Your work situations have been basically successful and pleasant. Your marriage has been what I intended it to be, a relationship of love and friendship, mutually beneficial. You have enjoyed all of your “places of residence,” but, obviously, this Farm experience is a boon to your life… and a genuine joy.

Your church situation is comfortable and meaningful. You have tasks that you can do well, you like most of the . . .

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