My Involvement In Life

WED., FEB. 20, 1991, 6:02 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, a fundamental aspect of the Triune God, am involved in present day earth life. As Jesus, nearly 2,000 years ago, I promised that I would send the Holy Spirit to be with My disciples, as teacher, counselor, and friend. The Day of Pentecost was My official entrance into the earth, even though I have been here “from the beginning.” (This is somewhat analogous to Jesus being born on Christmas, even as He had been, “From the beginning”) And… I have been actively involved in the earth and in human lives since that “official entrance.”

Much of what I shall tell you in this Teaching shall be reiteration of what I have told you before. Remember that one of My teaching principles is repetition and revisiting. If I repeat some truth in a variety of ways and contexts you shall surely learn it and be convinced of it. Note also that when I speak of what I do, as the Holy Spirit, this can never be separated, finally, from what I did or do as Jesus the Christ or as Almighty God, for We are truly One, as well as being three.

I’ll commence with this presently sticky issue. I came into the earth as Yahweh, the Mighty God, and I selected a man, Abraham, from whence My chosen people, the Jews, would come. After a long history of interaction with these people (including some miraculous happenings) I came into the earth as Jesus, their Messiah. Most of them rejected Me, and I then gave My life for the salvation of all. I raised up Paul, to begin the work that would establish My favorite religion, Christianity, with the gentiles. In this tradition I, the Holy Spirit was “born” on Pentecost, and I became known as the Triune God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And yet, mystically, I still remained One.

Then I came to Mohammed, the spiritual ancestor of Ishmael, Abraham’s first son, and I came as Allah, the One, True God. From this came Islam, the religion of those whom this present war has divided. Christians cannot be in communion with Moslems because they deny the deity of Jesus. Moslems cannot be in communion with Christians because they “divide” the One God. And I, surely, am responsible. So, naturally, there is a reason for this.

In the earth I have ultimate power, but generally I let the earth function in ways of My creation. I am not continually intervening and changing the course of natural happenings. I do not usually do miracles. But neither can it be said that I do not. I am free to deal with the earth and its myriad peoples as I wish. I am not a frivolous God, but neither am I an inactive, retired One.

I respond to prayers for change… with the change requested, with some other change, or with no change… and always with the best for an individual’s or a country’s spiritual growth. I still do some miracles, but most that appear to be such… healings, for example… are the result of natural changes commensurate with calls for My help.

I allowed the development of science as a way of knowing. I smiled when people, in the name of science, began to reject Me, proclaiming that the earth and its life were knowable through experiments and careful, systematic observation. This helped science become established, and it is a valuable way of knowing. It is both compatible with spirit, Scripture, Me and these Teachings. It also is in conflict with Us. Both/and.

Some scientific experiments and studies are quite worthwhile. Most are inconsequential, often because I am an uncontrollable factor. Medicine can profit from the methods of science, but it can never be truly scientific because humans are too complex. Though I seldom perform direct miracles the response of some humans to My presence and power encourages health and healing that may look miraculous… and unexplained by science.

With you and with many other people I help with interpretation of life events. You were amazed at the juxtaposition of what I said in the Teaching to you on war and the two news articles that verified My assertion. That wasn’t a miracle, but it had some amazing quality to it.

WED., FEB. 20, 1991, 6:02 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, a fundamental aspect of the Triune God, am involved in present day earth life. As Jesus, nearly 2,000 years ago, I promised that I would send the Holy Spirit to be with My disciples, as teacher, counselor, and friend. The Day of Pentecost was My official entrance into the earth, even though I have been here “from the beginning.” (This is somewhat analogous to Jesus being born on Christmas, even as He had been, “From the beginning”) And… I have been actively involved in the earth . . .

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