My Liberal Leanings

SAT., FEB. 14, 1987, 6:51 AM

Those Christians who are most “on fire” with love of Me and most concerned about being with Me forever have little regard for the liberal in their midst. I have told you of this and, wisely, you shall use the Teaching on this theme in an upcoming class. You have not communicated with My servant Bill as I directed you. I say again that I want this to happen. He needs to know, through this strange process, that I am aware of his progress.

I shall tell you this day of My liberal leanings. This implies, rightly, that this is not My total stance toward this religion I like best. Any term, like liberal or conservative, that is descriptive is also proscriptive, and, as I have told you repeatedly, I cannot be limited… even to attributes that seem wholly good. So My liberal leanings do not negate or override My conservative or middle-of-the-road leanings. They simple are different.

The most obvious example of my liberal leanings is grace. This is forgiveness and acceptance offered to anyone. It requires nothing but an open heart/spirit… a willingness to let Me be part of your life. What you have done before is of no consequence. Even what you do after you have accepted Me is of no real consequence. If your hand is in mine eventually your actions become more loving and less self-centered, but I put no real conditions on you… such as, “You’d better be beautifully righteous by the first of next month or I shall withdraw and no longer call you Mine.” I forgive in order that you might willingly and positively accept My way along the path of earth life.

As Jesus and as God Almighty I did make some strong statements about how you must live and act if you are to follow Me. Yet I remind you again that My sternest words were directed to the religious conservatives – those who knew the Law, the laws, and the Scriptures of their time. I was way too liberal for these good men, and their desire to serve in the way they knew caused them to reject the personification of all their ideals. I am not against the Law, the laws and the teachings about righteous living. My liberal leanings, however, say that I accept those who go against these and do not cast them out when they do not measure up.

There are Scriptural passages, including a few from Me, as Jesus, that seem to condemn homosexual behavior. My liberal leanings say that I accept the homosexual person who turns to Me, even as that behavior continues. I am concerned with spirit, and I accept and enrich a spirit that is willing, even when behavior is not as Scripture proclaims it should be.

Another facet of My liberality, as the Holy Spirit, is My insistence that I have new messages to give and new interpretations of the Gospel for this time and this culture. I am not bound by the words and conditions of Holy Writ, assembled, even with My guidance, so many years ago. I am not bound by interpretations of either careful scholars or dedicated evangels. My work in the world cannot be circumscribed by any one interpretation or any set of Scriptural passages. As I am dynamic I am liberal. As I have different messages for different souls (even sometimes contradictory) I am leaning liberal.

SAT., FEB. 14, 1987, 6:51 AM

Those Christians who are most “on fire” with love of Me and most concerned about being with Me forever have little regard for the liberal in their midst. I have told you of this and, wisely, you shall use the Teaching on this theme in an upcoming class. You have not communicated with My servant Bill as I directed you. I say again that I want this to happen. He needs to know, through this strange process, that I am aware of his progress.

I shall tell you this day of . . .

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