My Many Acts…

WED., JULY 22, 1998, 11:33 AM

Ezekiel was a prophet that I “used” in times long past. Those who assembled Holy Scripture included some record of his prophesies and recollections of what I, as the Lord God, told him to proclaim. I, as Holy Spirit, guided that selection process, so I am responsible for the “contents”. Human individuals and groups can be “blamed”, but I was, I declare, the Dominant Force.

Using your current psychiatric term, I certainly came across as bi-polar. I hated the allegiance and attention My Hebrew people were giving to idols and, hence, to “other gods”. I said I would destroy them… and that I would surely do what I said I would do. But then I forgave them and spared them.

I proclaimed that they all were sinners, and hence all would be wiped out – by war, pestilence, famine, or wild animals. Then I countered with… I will judge each separately, and only the unrepentent sinners would be sent on to… not clear where. Why these contrasts. Oh, come on… you know…

There is much diversity in this earth realm that I have created for you humans. You are a diverse species and so is virtually everything that lives. Hence, if I am to be the God of this realm (as well as of all realms that are and that will be… yes) then I must show forth diversity in My Being and in My actions. Thus, I can be angry and hard-nosed and incredibly unforgiving. But then… I can be loving, forgiving, and accepting, concerned much more with loving conduct than with sins, variously described and conceived.

You are a Christian, one born again… and then again. Still, you are a Presbyterian Christian, one predestined to be who, where, and what you are. You sin, certainly, but you have been born again to be forgiven. I want you as a special servant of Mine. As your life work you were to be an educator, but one imbued with spirit. Your years of coaching and teaching at Punahou were the commencement of this career to which I led you. Then came the years at Stanford, which were mainly preparation for your career here. Yet remember that the framework for this present adventure with Me was laid there. It was a necessary step toward this place, with the status you’ve enjoyed here. (Some good experiences can be, finally, merely means.)

Remember that I have told you repeatedly that you are above average, but not outstanding. You are not an outstanding servant of Mine, but I am generally pleased with who you are. Your career was not as noteworthy as that of some others, but it was “just right” for you. You shall be remembered by a few, but forgotten by more… and not known by many. Yet don’t downgrade these Teachings as the tangible evidence of an ongoing relationship, even as it is “unprovable”.

You know, certainly, that human deaths are not to be held against Me. I can cause, and I can prevent deaths, directly. Mostly I just allow what happens, naturally. A tidal wave kills thousands. Automobiles kill tens of thousands. Present weapons “of mass destruction” could kill millions and leave portions of earth uninhabitable. All who do perish are souls on spiritual life journeys. For some earth life is important; for others, less so.

What some people need in a God I can be. What others need (which can be quite different) I can also Be. For you, I am your close, intimate Friend, exceedingly different from Me, as experienced by Ezekiel, in what I said and did. I am not often angry with you. You accept My proffered Grace, yet you accept that this is only one Way to be in relationship with Me. I tell you that I shall provide adequately for you, and you have to admit that I have done well with this, so far. You’re not sure what to do about the CREF withdrawal. Will I let you know whether this is wise? Don’t give up on Me. Don’t let monetary security be your god or idol… as it is for so many of you Americans.

WED., JULY 22, 1998, 11:33 AM

Ezekiel was a prophet that I “used” in times long past. Those who assembled Holy Scripture included some record of his prophesies and recollections of what I, as the Lord God, told him to proclaim. I, as Holy Spirit, guided that selection process, so I am responsible for the “contents”. Human individuals and groups can be “blamed”, but I was, I declare, the Dominant Force.

Using your current psychiatric term, I certainly came across as bi-polar. I hated the allegiance and attention My Hebrew people were giving to idols and . . .

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