My Many “Faces”

WED., DEC. 16, 1998, 10:57 AM

The morning study group “seasonally” decided to consider portions of Isaiah, he who obliquely, at least, prophesied about a “child-king” Who would do marvelous for the Jews. Yet he also told of much harm that would come to these too-proud, too-arrogant chosen folk. So you, and your “cereal-friends” did espy several “faces” of Me, as the God Whom Isaiah served and “represented”.

Dorothy announced that she couldn’t relate to and “serve” a God Who got so angry and focused so much on punishment. Then there are Christians, just as sincere as Dorothy, who can’t accept a God Who is too forgiving… of those who sin too obviously. “Where are My standards… if I don’t punish as Isaiah told of Me doing?”

You put forward the wry notion that the basis of many of these proclamations and actions was… I was just having fun. Some recognize that you’ve said this before, but it still is an aberrant, even an irreverent thought. As you are well aware, you have “learned this” from Me. I certainly have a supreme sense of fun and humor, and I am actually more often amused than angered or bewildered by human actions.

I am just not an inept Creator and Sustainer. Some Scriptures seem to present Me as One Who is surprised and troubled at the behavior of even My chosen ones. I am an angry punisher, AND… BUT… I may also be smiling at My own reactions and the unfaithful state of My creations. You picked this up in the Isaiah passage when, in the midst of angry denunciations and threats I had this faithful prophet say, “For unto us a Child is born…” … and then back to the threats.

In the little book, GraceWalk, you read of an earnest young servant of Mine who writes of this strange discovery that he doesn’t have to try to be good, with focus on the many apparent failures. One of My “faces” tells you that the road to righteousness is hard and the gateway is narrow. Sin abounds, and satan competes with Me for your soul. So you must try… try… try. Another “face” is the one he has discovered, and that I have presented to you.

When you are truly “saved”… even twice… or more… you are “in”, and sin is no more. You don’t have to try. You just have to live, with Me in and around you, accepting grace as My Gift to you. But, again, what about My Standards?… the Puritan work ethic? My desire for you to seek perfection? That IS a Face of Mine, but you needn’t respond to it.

Oh, I do like the maya of satan as My continuing rival, a true competitor for the spirits of humans. You have been a rather good, effective, sincere competitor in your personal and professional life, but now, as you are in your mature years, and in fine relationship with Me, Holy Spirit, you see less and less need to compete. And so I tell you that My apparent competition is just a maya. I don’t have to compete. I always win… when time is discounted.

Thus, accept My admission that I do have these many “faces”, and I can be anything I want to be. As I have told you, often, there are many realms, many “mansions”, and earth is just one of these… a special realm in which you can advance, spiritually, or fall behind. (“Behind what”, you may ask?, and I reply “Behind what you have been… behind gains you have made.)

The “competition” is only with yourself (and this is actually quite more than the Bob Russell you are now). And, as you and some others (Christians, Hindus, and…) have “discovered”, the “secret” is to stop trying and just accept grace, acceptance, and forgiveness. Yet know that such a perception is anathema to many other fine souls. Why? Because this is the way I enjoy managing this earth realm? Is this the best way? Only because it is My Choice.

WED., DEC. 16, 1998, 10:57 AM

The morning study group “seasonally” decided to consider portions of Isaiah, he who obliquely, at least, prophesied about a “child-king” Who would do marvelous for the Jews. Yet he also told of much harm that would come to these too-proud, too-arrogant chosen folk. So you, and your “cereal-friends” did espy several “faces” of Me, as the God Whom Isaiah served and “represented”.

Dorothy announced that she couldn’t relate to and “serve” a God Who got so angry and focused so much on punishment. Then there . . .

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