My Mission In The Earth

THURS., FEB. 18, 1993, 6:04 PM

A place different from the usual one for such a Teaching here on the Farm… and also an odd time, but you balanced well for the day and are answering My call to you. I, the Holy Spirit of the Triune God, the only One there is, do have a mission here in the earth. Some of its facets you know well. In Our time together as darkness descends you shall learn even more of what I do here.

I am the Spirit of the Lord God, so naturally I am Holy. God is not diminished by My coming forth from Him, and, in like fashion, I am not diminished when spirits, new spirits, come forth from, some to become human souls, incarnate in the earth. Neither am I enriched or added to when spirits achieve the maturity to see that they no longer need to be individual and merge back into me. So this is one aspect of My mission – to generate new, individual spirits to inhabit human bodies and to accept back spirits that have learned well, in however many “lifetimes” it takes.

I was One with the Spirit of Jesus, who also was God, Who came into the earth as a baby, after a semi-natural pregnancy. I was not bound into Jesus, but I was with Him constantly. His Spirit, even though it was Holy, had to develop in a way somewhat like those of other humans. After He was baptized, “tempted,” and began His ministry I was no longer needed, ‘as much’, but I still was often with Him, consulting, advising, and also learning. (Remember that I’ve never had a body, so I learned much from Jesus, and He from Me. He promised Me to His disciples, as recorded by John. He gave up His spirit from His Body, as He died on the cross. I continued My various missions in the earth, but My “official” introduction as Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. There I came supernaturally as wind and fire, and I energized Peter to preach a boomer of a sermon, and I touched the spirits of many there, with My “special talent” of allowing many to understand Peter, even though they normally wouldn’t understand His language.

I am basically a Teacher, as you are. I do some counseling, a bit more than you do. When God in Christ elects a person for some earthly task I am the Spirit that helps that soul understand her mission and be motivated to do it. But, as I’ve told you, We truly are One, and as Three We are quite interchangeable.

I hear prayers, as does God and Jesus Christ. Most are directed to either of them rather than to Me, but I do a lot of prayer-answering, sometimes granting the petition or doing the requested blessing. At other times the prayer is not to be answered in the way the petitioner requests, and I take on many of these who feel inclined to reject Me because of the result. My task is to help them see why their prayer was answered the way it was, and that more spiritual opportunities lie ahead. Much spiritual growth can come through “unanswered prayer.”

In one terse phrase My ministry can be described as: to encourage spiritual growth. I have plenty of power to change earth situations… conditions of the earth and human relationships. But as I’ve told you repeatedly I seldom change the natural order, so I am responsible, indirectly, for many seemingly tragic conditions. Because I can see all of the effects of the myriad actions taking place at any time I make countless judgments, all perfect, by definition.

THURS., FEB. 18, 1993, 6:04 PM

A place different from the usual one for such a Teaching here on the Farm… and also an odd time, but you balanced well for the day and are answering My call to you. I, the Holy Spirit of the Triune God, the only One there is, do have a mission here in the earth. Some of its facets you know well. In Our time together as darkness descends you shall learn even more of what I do here.

I am the Spirit of the Lord God, so naturally I . . .

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