My Needs / Your Needs

WED., MAY 8, 1991, 7:28 AM

Yes, o son, you heard the title right. Yet you wonder at the notion that I, the Holy Spirit, have needs. You know that you have needs, but should the Lord God, in any form, have needs. Well, the title stands, so hear as I explain it.

You are a father, and have been for many years. It is natural that your children have had needs that you have been able to satisfy, to some extent, over the years. Yet you recognize that you have had needs, too, as a father. You have students who have needs, and you are able to fulfill some of these. You are a senior professor so you can do much to help students. And yet you admit that you have needs also, as a teacher.

Yesterday you did a “performance” that may “preserve” some of what you do with songs and stories for future generations of students. You did it rather well, but you needed the help of the audience. You needed support, even as that need wasn’t evident. Remember that you are part of a culture that puts a high value on not having needs. Strong people do not have needs. When you ask someone, “Do you need help?” and the person says, “No, I’m fine” the expected feeling is a good one. It is good to offer assistance, but not as good to need some. The Scriptures have abetted this with “It is better to give than to receive.”

Up to May of 1979 (and, yes, those anniversary dates do approach) you were living a good life, even a good Christian life. You prayed occasionally, and I sometimes responded, but you had no great spiritual needs. Then I came to you, and I told you that you had need of Me… because I had need of you. If you had not responded as you did… if, in effect, you said, “No, I really don’t need this kind of relationship… I’m just fine the way I am”… would I have had My need unfulfilled?

You have no way of knowing how hard I acted upon you – My will “against” yours. (Actually it wasn’t too difficult.) You know that I have certain goals and certain plans for life in the earth. I choose to work mainly in natural ways, using people to accomplish My goals. All do not come when I call. Then I must decide whether to “lean on” a particular person or to go to an “alternate”.

This raises an interesting point: are people simply interchangeable with Me, or do I truly want a certain person to be in relationship with Me, to perform a particular service? The answer is both/and, but note that this includes the latter. I am not devastated or defeated when someone turns Me down or fails in her service to Me. Yet I do have what I unashamedly call needs for certain people, to do certain things.

If I were only in your culture it would not be good to admit that I have needs. That would diminish My image as the great and powerful God, the omnipotent one, Who has no needs, fulfilled or unfulfilled. Yet, you see, that moves Me away from any real personal relationship, with you or with anyone.

You are not devastated when a student or two seems to have no need and no regard for what or how you teach. You do not have need for complete approval. Still, it is nice when one comes and does compliment you on the nature of a course you have helped create.

WED., MAY 8, 1991, 7:28 AM

Yes, o son, you heard the title right. Yet you wonder at the notion that I, the Holy Spirit, have needs. You know that you have needs, but should the Lord God, in any form, have needs. Well, the title stands, so hear as I explain it.

You are a father, and have been for many years. It is natural that your children have had needs that you have been able to satisfy, to some extent, over the years. Yet you recognize that you have had needs, too, as a father . . .

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