My “Other” Self

THURS., MAY 31, 2001, 9:45 AM

I, your friendly Holy Spirit, am Myself, with “tasks” to do in this Earth, but also am One with Me, God Almighty and with Me, Jesus, the crucified BUT risen Christ. This doesn’t make particularly “good sense,” but it is an integral part of the mystery of your Faith.

As you read, study, and discuss Ezekiel, you “find” Me, as God Almighty, presented as quite far from being Omnipotent and Omniscient. Things seem to happen to Me and including Me that seem destructive… and “Who’s to blame?” Am I truly and fully responsible for actions that I don’t seem to favor? And does this portrayal of Me apply in any direct was to life in the 21st century… to your life, now in year 76?

Have I given up “smiting” people? Or am I allowing…or even causing… the increase both in the human population and in ways of life that use resources exceedingly and thoughtlessly and that produce pollutions that make this small planet less “liveable,” particularly for a growing human population?

As the God that Ezekiel knew and served I was quite willing to approve of deaths, in various “forms,” of those who didn’t serve Me directly and as I wished, or who didn’t acknowledge Me at all. You wonder what would occur in today’s world, if I acted as I did in this time with Ezekiel. Would “such” happen again? Would it be “against” Christians or would I favor Christians, even those who were not “perfect” as I Am perfect?

It doesn’t seem to you as if there is any direct “application” of this Ezekiel story to life in this 21st century, as you’re living it. You write this in what is called the Chapel in the church building which is most familiar to you. The building is being enlarged and “improved,” but at your stage in earth life you find it hard to approve fully of such changes and the expenditures they command. Ezekiel had visions, from Me, that seem unlikely to you, who have had no such “unearthly” experiences.

Yet here you are, in a room unfamiliar for this “task,” hearing Me and writing so that there is a “permanent record” of this ongoing Relationship. Clearly it is not as dramatic as what Ezekiel describes, but it does go quite beyond what would be expected from a 21st century Presbyterian. You have been called to this “relationship,” even as it has been far less spectacular than Ezekiel’s call.

You commented this morning, in the group, that this story could be cited as evidence that I, Holy Spirit, have both a sense of fun and a sense of humor. I Am responsible for all that is described (directly or indirectly), and some of what happens is traceable to My Wonderful sense of FUN. I created this earth and all that is in it much more in fun than in seriousness. I didn’t create humans to be “robots” or “automatons,” so this almost guarantees that there will be clear ranges in motivations and behaviors in the human that My Processes produce.

I tell you that I notice and focus on the positive motivations and behaviors in humans… and this is in some contrast to how I was with Ezekiel. How I Am now is “as I should be,” but how I was with Ezekiel was “another way I should be.” I am not disappointed with humans and the way they live earth life, for I do look for and focus on thoughts and actions which represent love of Me, of others of My creation, and of this unique earth environment.

By the “standards” of the Ezekiel story I now seem to be a namby-pamby God, unable or unwilling (or some of each) to punish and eliminate those who go against “My Ways.” Just accept the TRUTH that there are an infinite number of ways in which I can… and do… act. You (and many others) could formulate ways in which I could be more perfect, but I would reply that what I am doing, and not doing, now is My perfection.

THURS., MAY 31, 2001, 9:45 AM

I, your friendly Holy Spirit, am Myself, with “tasks” to do in this Earth, but also am One with Me, God Almighty and with Me, Jesus, the crucified BUT risen Christ. This doesn’t make particularly “good sense,” but it is an integral part of the mystery of your Faith.

As you read, study, and discuss Ezekiel, you “find” Me, as God Almighty, presented as quite far from being Omnipotent and Omniscient. Things seem to happen to Me and including Me that seem destructive… and “Who’s to blame?” Am I . . .

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