My Persistent Providence

SUN., FEB. 21, 1993, 6:18 AM

Yes, o son, I do care about My servants here in the earth, as I care about the earth and all of its creatures. Yet that doesn’t mean that no one is sick, no one is injured, no one dies, for it is spirit that I am mainly concerned with. I take good care of spirits, even those who reject Me or fail or refuse to recognize Me.

All right, I occasionally do some miraculous saving, mostly in response to prayer or to sustain a life, one who is serving Me well and uniquely. There have been a few times in your life that I have acted in ways to sustain your life, when it involved affecting you rather than some radical change in your environment. There is no hindrance to My use of incredible power except My own restraint. And this comes from My incisive, complete, comprehensive view and knowledge of the total consequences of any major heroic act.

I am concerned with each of you as individuals, something like 5.4 billion of you now, but I also am concerned with the whole of creation. The future efforts of humans on the total life of this planet are very mixed, as I see it. I vowed, in the Old Testament myth, that I would never destroy humankind and the earth with a flood again, but the flood of humans is beginning to erode that vow. (You realize that I say this to you quite often. I don’t call on you to announce that The Lord says… and expect great loss of life. Yet the loss of even one life is calculated and noted. I do care.)

Your culture grapples with the dilemma of how to provide the means of sustaining lives, even old ones, without bankrupting the system. My concern is similar. I want those privileged to have earth lives to have a good, long, full experience, and I want people to have children, and grandchildren, but My “dilemma” is how to do this without destroying the whole earth scene. I have to explain this to an increasing number of spirits who lose their earth lives prematurely. I don’t seem like a providential sustainer to these, and I have to show why it happened and how My intervention would have affected other life.

Now I want you to put this aside, read the morning Scriptures again, and return this afternoon after the morning sermon and, possibly, a class discussion.

( 6:50 AM / 5:22 PM )

Yes, o son, I do persevere, and I do preserve. I reach out in different ways to different people. I am subtle and low key with some, while I am direct and almost violent with others. Yet when a certain individual doesn’t respond to My call… or even rejects it overtly… I may back away. At least such a person may testify honestly that she feels no call and has no inclination to seek the Lord and Her Ways. I’ll explain that in this way: I have concern for spirit, and I am not bound by earth time. Numbers of years may seem important to you Western humans, but such is of no consequence to Me. It may be better and easier for Me to let a human go on through a human life of rejection, egged on by certain cultural factors. Then at death I confront the spirit of that one, and it may be much more ready to respond as I desire than ever could have been possible in the human garb.

You hear My Spirit Voice rather well, though not perfectly… and rarely do I have to “raise My Voice.” Some others just don’t hear, as there are many high sounds that you don’t hear, or hear poorly and intermittently. More often, in your culture, the spirit does not hear because that hearing is blocked by the rational mind. Even most Christians, those who are rather well educated or well-read, would have difficulty doing what you do so rather easily because their rational doubts would effectively block My message.

SUN., FEB. 21, 1993, 6:18 AM

Yes, o son, I do care about My servants here in the earth, as I care about the earth and all of its creatures. Yet that doesn’t mean that no one is sick, no one is injured, no one dies, for it is spirit that I am mainly concerned with. I take good care of spirits, even those who reject Me or fail or refuse to recognize Me.

All right, I occasionally do some miraculous saving, mostly in response to prayer or to sustain a life, one who is serving . . .

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