My Perspective On Tragedies

TUES., JUNE 5, 1990, 5:11 AM

Naturally, as the Holy Spirit I have a view of life that no human can even approximate. Though you have a strong spirit and discern spiritual matters in a quite above average way, it still isn’t possible for you to perceive the balance of life here in the earth as I do. The Scriptures give little help, for, factually, they were written in quite a different time, in a localized place, with primitive medicines, medical techniques, and technologies. There are some eternal symbolic truths; you have discerned some, but not others. But I am here to speak to you directly… with one repetitive warning: though what I tell you is Truth, because I say it, the story I tell you is not what I tell all others.

There are different spiritual paths, and here is where the symbolism of the tower of Babel story applies. For best spiritual growth I offer innumerable paths, and many of these have diverse and almost competing views of present life in the earth. And, I tell you, I am not about to bring all of these together, just as I shall not combine all plants into one or make all days of exactly the same weather. Variety is the keystone of healthy life here in the earth, and I encourage this by “confusing” the spiritual interpretation of life’s story, emphasizing different aspects of it for different people, all of whom are obviously My servants.

For example, Pope John is obviously a holy servant of Mine. I still give him the message that contraception and abortion are sinful acts, and that procreation continues to be desirable. You are also My servant, but I tell you that the increase in the population of humans is worrisome, that all children born should be wanted by their parents, so that contraception and abortion are often blessings… or actions that I bless.

I tell you there must be tragedies, of one sort of another. I want to thwart tragedies wherein the balance in the earth is permanently damaged, so that life, in the future is unsustainable. Thus, My choice is an increasing variety of tragedies involving present human life. Since yours is a culture that tends to define social and human problems, and then seeks ways (often competing) to salve these, your culture will look with alarm on many of these tragedies.

I approve of your repeated observation that your culture views AIDS as a problem that must be solved, because of its tragic consequences, but has no such view on malaria, which takes many more lives and causes much more suffering. AIDS is a small tragedy, but one of great concern to some humans, some of whom are My servants. So here is My basic perspective: be concerned about individual persons who suffer from this condition. Educate. Work toward prevention by this means. Give loving care and reasonable treatment to those who suffer. (This is an admonition of a positive nature that is common to almost all spiritual paths.) But accept that this is a “necessary” tragedy of the times. I did not cause it. Yet I allow it. I did not cause the black plague. Yet I allowed it.

I do not cause cancer, but I allow it, as a natural consequence of the lifestyle that brings pleasure in its affluence to your culture. In My view, the one I share with you, death is not a tragedy. It is the end of one aspect of spiritual life, but the beginning of another. Therefore, causes of death are not tragic. It would be tragedy if the human population were truly decimated, as in a nuclear war between the super powers. I tell you again that I have actively prevented this, and will continue to do so. But there is nothing of a disease nature that I call tragic, in population terms. Much of what I see as potentially tragic your culture sees as evidence of desirable growth. Ah, so.

TUES., JUNE 5, 1990, 5:11 AM

Naturally, as the Holy Spirit I have a view of life that no human can even approximate. Though you have a strong spirit and discern spiritual matters in a quite above average way, it still isn’t possible for you to perceive the balance of life here in the earth as I do. The Scriptures give little help, for, factually, they were written in quite a different time, in a localized place, with primitive medicines, medical techniques, and technologies. There are some eternal symbolic truths; you have discerned some, but not . . .

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