My Power! … ?

WED., SEPT. 8, 1999, 8:45 AM

These Old Testament prophets tell boldly and clearly that I have power over most all aspects of earth life. This ranges from the power to change some of the natural processes of the earth… to cause the death of certain people or peoples… as punishment for not acting in ways that I favor. Yet I also have powers of forgiveness, and the record that these prophets have bestowed upon you almost 21st century Christians seems to have these powers “interspersed” in no logical way. And I have told you that I intervene in the life of the earth, the life of groups of people, and the lives of certain, chosen individuals… and I do this when, where, how, and with whom I choose. And when I use I in such a statement My reference is to Me as the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit… not just as Holy Spirit.

I have the power to “deactivate” the cancer in you… and in Dyer. Or… I have the power to slow the growth of cancer so that either, or both, of you live longer with opportunities for spiritual growth greater than there would be with perfect health. And, yes, I also have power to allow or even cause cancer, for purposes that I will share with you when you finally come across to the spirit realm best for you.

I do use the knowledge and skills of some physicians to extend human lives. I also allow some physicians to make mistakes and recommend treatments that are not appropriate… even harmful. Why? For many reasons… that only I can understand and “sort out.” I want you humans to have some self-sufficiency, but I still am in “Final Charge” of this earth realm, among others. My repetitive advice to you, o son, is to assume that, in relation to your life, I am quite a powerful factor.

I ask only that you be faithful to Me and to this unique task – hearing Me and writing what you hear. From this must come four Ruminations letters per year, for as long as you are able. (So, yes, get busy on this current “issue” even today!) I also expect you to live your life ( 9:19 / 9:23 ) fully, vigorously, and joyfully. Reflect on the wonderful life you’ve had and accept a certain amount of pain and discomfort with some of that same spirit of thankfulness. What you shall experience will not be “punishment”, but, rather, unique opportunities for your spirit to gain more maturity. You have some residual understanding of this from previous “life experiences,” but it will all be quite clear when you’re truly “looking back on this life”… with Me as a Guide.

When I call you to such attitudes and behaviors I am exerting a more gentle power, but still a significant sort. And I can and shall empower you to grow from such experiences. I certainly don’t want you to fail.

( 9:30 / 9:40 )

You realize, of course, that the mainstream of the culture of which you are a part may give some lip service to Me as a source of Power, but generally feels that “it’s up to us”… and “You must approve of everything we do.” You rationalize that if you have political, social, economic, and military power (power, that is) I must want you to have it. You’re a bit sorry that your military intervention in Kosovo did so much harm to that ecosystem, but “it was necessary.” Hmmm…

(That was a nice “interlude,” a brief talk with a prospective graduate student… evidence that you still have some value here… if no power.)

WED., SEPT. 8, 1999, 8:45 AM

These Old Testament prophets tell boldly and clearly that I have power over most all aspects of earth life. This ranges from the power to change some of the natural processes of the earth… to cause the death of certain people or peoples… as punishment for not acting in ways that I favor. Yet I also have powers of forgiveness, and the record that these prophets have bestowed upon you almost 21st century Christians seems to have these powers “interspersed” in no logical way. And I have told you that I . . .

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