My Role As Spirit

SAT., JAN. 24, 1987, 10:20 AM

There are many expositions, that have accumulated over the Christian years, about My role and place in the Godhead. My original people, the Jews, have kept to the original concept and experience of Me as a singular Entity, Almighty and Sovereign God. They couldn’t respond favorably, as a people, to My presence as Jesus, the promised Messiah. And hence they do not have a place for Me, as the Holy Spirit.

Christians, on the other hand, do accept the reality of My coming to earth in human form, do accept references to the Holy Spirit as being true, yet don’t do much more than pay lip service to Me as an active force in affairs in the earth. I have given you many Teachings since mid-1979 that have told of My role in earth life, and you certainly do accept the reality of My Presence. Still, it is good to repeat and rephrase important ideas, so that this becomes even more vivid in your perception of the world.

Let’s start with the role with which you are most familiar – teacher. I teach you directly in this tangible way, but I also work with you in other learnings, enhancing some and making some harder. This is a subtle way in which I help you become what you should become and what I would have you be. You have not learned administrative procedures, for instance, for I don’t want you to waste good earth time and effort on that for which you are not “destined.” The evaluations you just received were evidence that you are teaching as I teach you, and that is what I desire. There are many ways to teach, and I am a master at all of them. Mostly I work with strengths and urge persons toward their best destiny.

Yes, I also am a motivator, which is part of the teaching role, and a vital one. The grace that I offered through My life, death, and resurrection as Jesus is, finally, available for all, but many, many need to be motivated to accept it… and then live with the reality of that salvation each day of life. Again, I have many ways of motivating, some quite direct and some exquisitely subtle.

I am the comforter, for those who find earth life difficult and for those who have particular circumstances that seem overpowering. Most people pray to God or to Jesus the Christ, but it usually is I who bring the solace desired. I seldom work miracles, however. Some truly do not want the peace that I can bring. Some seem to prefer misery to accepting My hand and My comfort. Yet I am never rebuffed. I return constantly, and some who reject Me often and often may eventually accept My ministrations.

I have power to help you succeed. Life and actions are so endlessly interrelated that it is virtually impossible for you or any other earth person… or spirit… to discern when and how I function and influence, as different from My just letting natural forces work. How much of your success is just from your efforts and capacities, and how much from Mine? How much are your efforts and capacities “just yours” and how much is because of Me. Particularly after you have accepted Me as an active partner in your life it is impossible to clearly identify what is “not Me.”

Remember, finally, that My Being is essentially mystical. The Three is truly One. And the One is really Three. Some pray to Me as Jesus and receive direct assistance from Me as Jesus. Since I had a body in earth form I still manifest Myself in this way, though very occasionally. As the Spirit I have no tangible body, but I am loquacious and gregarious. It would be pleasing if more responded as you do, but, then, I am basically pleased with the circumstances of life.

SAT., JAN. 24, 1987, 10:20 AM

There are many expositions, that have accumulated over the Christian years, about My role and place in the Godhead. My original people, the Jews, have kept to the original concept and experience of Me as a singular Entity, Almighty and Sovereign God. They couldn’t respond favorably, as a people, to My presence as Jesus, the promised Messiah. And hence they do not have a place for Me, as the Holy Spirit.

Christians, on the other hand, do accept the reality of My coming to earth in human form, do accept . . .

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