My Role In Balancing

TUES., SEPT. 14, 1993, 6:15 AM

It is almost the middle of the month, and you haven’t yet started organizing and writing the Ruminations for this quarter. You don’t really need any more material, but just to help you focus on this theme I’ll tell you a bit more about how I am a part of this important aspect of life.

First, remember that while I speak to you as Holy Spirit I also am at One with Jesus and with God the Father, the Sovereign God of All. Most Western Christians don’t like to think of this for very long, because it is confusing… to consider that while I am the “junior partner” in this Trio, I also speak as the One God.

You found the video on Sunday quite interesting, with the emphasis on Me as the Sovereign God, but with the apparent inability of this theologian, and My servant John himself, to come to some interpretations that I have offered to you, an obscure layman. I have told you that My favorite form of government is the monarchy, the strong, wise, benevolent, just king. That still is the best way to describe Me, for I do rule over this earth scene, despite what enlightened humanists and your democratically oriented culture may believe and teach.

Now as a good king, who is aware of every detail of the complex web of life that I have created, I let natural and human-made controls function. I do not control every action and every event in the earth. But I can, and I do when I wish to. I act fairly and justly. I also act graciously and capriciously. I may save a life here, and take a life there. Yet, generally, I let the earth and its myriad peoples function by their own and by natural balancing.

The Sunday presentation did not deal with the purpose of all of this life… human life. The purpose, as I have taught you repeatedly, is spiritual growth, and the earth is a unique scene in which such can take place. My life as Jesus illustrates that the length of a life is not important to its impact and, in human terms, its growth. And its terrible ending was, finally, part of a beautiful act of giving. Even some babies and small children who die give, to their parents and to other caregivers, some very spirit-enriching.

Certainly I am involved in this current peace process, for it involves My original chosen people, who still come to Me as Jehovah God, and My rejected people, the spiritual descendants of Ishmael, Abraham’s eldest son. It shall not be a perfect peace, for they struggle over a small portion of land, that I once took from some and gave to others. It is small, and it is “homeland” to both, so peace will be difficult, but now it is a time for at least relative peace.

Why don’t I intervene in some dramatic way in Bosnia? Their two portions of My own Body fight, but now more against another remnant from Ishmael. I shall not tell you how this shall come out, even as I do know. It still is a time for war in that small portion of the earth.

Journalists tend to have you always focused on the imbalances. I tell you these are quite small, compared with most of humankind in most of the earth. Where there is selfishness I strengthen those who work for more justice. And it is in these struggles, mostly very obscure and unnoticed, internationally, that spirit grows and develops.

TUES., SEPT. 14, 1993, 6:15 AM

It is almost the middle of the month, and you haven’t yet started organizing and writing the Ruminations for this quarter. You don’t really need any more material, but just to help you focus on this theme I’ll tell you a bit more about how I am a part of this important aspect of life.

First, remember that while I speak to you as Holy Spirit I also am at One with Jesus and with God the Father, the Sovereign God of All. Most Western Christians don’t . . .

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