My Servants On The “Right”

FRI., SEPT. 8, 1995, 12:42 PM

The program last evening that gave you considerable “pause” was one on the political “progress” of fundamentalist Christians. Many of these are sincere and devout servants of Mine, some participate because they think they should, and a few have fairly unsavory motives for being in this movement. Some of what they push for… and against… fits with priorities of Mine that I have shared with you. Some does not. I am not “required” to be consistent with all of My servants. Remember that I do create and do like diversity.

Some still hear and cling to the message that, instead of diversity, I want a rather small group of homogenous Christians to “inherit the earth”, doing away, with My help, of course, with all of the opposition to this return to Eden. By some standards these “right wing Christians” are increasing in numbers and in strength and are now a force to reckon with. By others they are a small portion of the whole human scene, just another one of My several “blessed groups”.

One basic difficulty they have in having Me, as the Christ, as their Leader is that the Biblical record is very clear in My refusing this role. Though Isaiah “predicted” or prophesied that I would take the government upon My shoulders I had no interest in such a task. I asserted that while I was a King, My Kingdom was not of this world. I also suggested that the Kingdom of God is within you… each of you.

I have told you that I have no favorite form of government (except for a slight preference for a benevolent kingdom, which is not at all practical in your culture.) I do not favor one economic system over another, nor any social or cultural norms. By present-day, Christian right standards I, as Jesus, was conceived illegitimately, and, by the Gospel records, My “step”-father, through whom My heritage from King David came (and also Abraham and even Adam!), was not a strong influence in My life. In fact, after My birth and a possible trip to and stay in Egypt, there is no record of My first 30 years, from which “family values” could be ascertained. The only incident was one of My disobedience… and an acceptance of this by My parents.

As Jesus, in My ministry, I seemed to have no concern for the family life of My disciples. Except for one reference to Peter’s mother-in-law, there is little direct evidence that they had families or cared much about these.

But how do I react to those political issues of greatest concern to these Christians? Prayer in school? I’m in favor of prayer any time, any place. I see it as foolishness to try to restrict prayer in any way. Everyone in your culture, every day, must adapt to some experiences that they don’t like or believe in. Those who don’t want to pray have no more rights than those who do. I’m for prayer… especially when it’s directed toward Me. Teaching that I created the earth? I certainly favor this, not as science, but as an answer to much that science can’t prove. I created, AND, I used evolutionary methods. I am only rarely magical in My creation. Everyone should be exposed to the story of My creative and sustaining powers.

A balanced budget? It is foolish to continue to spend money you don’t have, even as that is the practical trait necessary for the continuation of your economic system. Yet there is no easy way to reestablish that balance without harm… or apparent harm… to many. There is no way that I approve over others.

FRI., SEPT. 8, 1995, 12:42 PM

The program last evening that gave you considerable “pause” was one on the political “progress” of fundamentalist Christians. Many of these are sincere and devout servants of Mine, some participate because they think they should, and a few have fairly unsavory motives for being in this movement. Some of what they push for… and against… fits with priorities of Mine that I have shared with you. Some does not. I am not “required” to be consistent with all of My servants. Remember that I do create and do like diversity.

Some . . .

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