My Triune Nature

MON., NOV. 26, 1990, 6:15 AM

Every now and again you need to hear, and heed, a Teaching that reinforces the reality of My triune nature. As I come to you I am the Holy Spirit. Yet I am the Holy Spirit of the One True God, Who is the Only God. And I also am Jesus, the Christ, Who was in the earth as God Almighty. I, the Holy Spirit, was His male parent, but He called Me, Almighty God, His Father.

As Jesus, I told My disciples the Holy Spirit would come amongst them to guide, counsel, and interpret what I, as Jesus, had said to them… which would become Holy Scripture. This happened, dramatically, on the Day of Pentecost, but I had been in the earth from its very beginning. As Jesus I was crucified, I died, and I was entombed. I was resurrected in a spiritual body, but My original physical body also was resurrected. I was around, here in the earth, for some time (the length is immaterial, for I then was back out of time again), and then I ascended to heaven to sit at My right hand, that of Almighty God. Yet I still am in the earth, as Jesus, ministering to certain people who need Me as the Christ.

You continue to slog through Ezekiel, a story in which I come to a prophet of old directly as Almighty God. The message I gave him to offer to his people was one of My power and might and one of My varied powerful judgments. I seemed to be displeased with My chosen people, the Jews, but also with their neighbors as well. You hear Me thundering judgment upon them for their sins and then promising to remain their God… and wanting all to recognize Me as their Lord and God.

Do I do that still? Do I now prophesy through messengers you do not hear… or even through Ezekiel yet again… that the mighty nation of the United States of America shall be brought down for your non-allegiance to Me? Do I approve more of those Islamic nations who honor Me only as Allah, the One God, but who insist that I must be active in the government? And do I also approve of your system, which separates church and state because it recognizes the diversity of faiths and interpretations that I have created or have allowed to develop?

In the Gospel of Christ I deal with individual souls rather than with groups of people. I also gave Paul the message that My death, as Jesus, was the atonement for sin and for sins, and that those who accepted Me as Lord and Savior were washed clean of sin and accepted as sinless. And yet the messages of the commandments and of My Teachings, as Jesus, about conduct here in the earth, are also real and applicable.

So I continue to rule, maintain, and operate in this earth as Almighty God. I can still bring down and raise up nations. I am both a harsh judge and a loving Father, even as these seem to be incompatible. As Jesus I continue to be directly with persons, carrying out the will of My Father and yet being one with Him. As Holy Spirit I continue to guide and counsel in many ways… and have chosen you, undeservedly remember, to receive these direct Teachings. I act in many ways not described in the Holy Scriptures, for I was not a major character in that volume. Hence I have the disadvantage of not being known by many who consult the Scriptures avidly, and the advantage of not being bound by Scriptural proclamations.

And what of females? We in the Triune God are always referred to as He, yet we are also fully female. This is a difficulty in language, but not in the reality that transcends language.

As the Holy Spirit I have told you of continuing, eternal life, as spirit. The essence of you is spirit. That spirit was in other forms before your present one and shall be in other forms in its continuing journey along a spiritual path. Be who you are rather fully, but also have some sense of your fuller being.

MON., NOV. 26, 1990, 6:15 AM

Every now and again you need to hear, and heed, a Teaching that reinforces the reality of My triune nature. As I come to you I am the Holy Spirit. Yet I am the Holy Spirit of the One True God, Who is the Only God. And I also am Jesus, the Christ, Who was in the earth as God Almighty. I, the Holy Spirit, was His male parent, but He called Me, Almighty God, His Father.

As Jesus, I told My disciples the Holy Spirit would come amongst them to . . .

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