My Ways Are As The Sands…

SUN., MAR. 29, 1992, 7:35 AM

My ways are as the sands of the many seashores on My earth… of the sandman… (Ha!) This means, of course, that I have uncountable ways of functioning in people’s lives and in the earth… and I, naturally, am the Holy Spirit of the Triune Lord God. I understand this earth scene so thoroughly, despite its complexity, that I work along with natural events and circumstances… and consequences… so that what I do can rarely be discerned from “what would have happened anyway.”

I am busy prolonging individual lives and in preventing disasters that will shorten lives of those I want to continue work for Me. Yet there also is purpose in not prolonging certain lives and in not preventing other disasters. As I have told you many times (as the sands… almost) I do not want this earth to be a perfect place. Despite some Scriptural references death is not an evil but a part of the natural order. Methusaleh lived 969 years, and he died. I, as Jesus, lived 33 years, and I died. Which life was more significant? Death is simply a movement of spirit into some other realm, which may be more perfect than earth or less so, depending upon the needs of the soul in question. It may not be dependent just on the life just lived or on some portion of it, but on the needs of an everlasting spirit in a long-living soul. But I digress.

I work to encourage spirits to accomplish… and to simply be. For some, accomplishment is important. For others, less to not so. I call some souls to be missionaries, and their lives are of constant work, against odds, that brings some satisfactions, but not commensurate with the effort. And yet many of these come over ta death and can feel proud, as well as humble, in what they accomplished.

At the other extreme I call folks just to be in My service. Objectively, they don’t do much, but they are in close, regular communion with Me. They may write a bit, but not necessarily. One may plant and nurture beautiful flowers. Another may just fully appreciate sunrises, sunsets, starry nights, rainy days… as such a one finishes an earth life, there can be great spiritual satisfaction in what she didn’t miss here in the earth.

You are a called servant, somewhere in the middle of these extremes. (8:02 – 8:25) You have a developed need to accomplish, and you do feel guilty, rather often, for tasks not completed… and you still seek ever more tasks, so that you might continue to accomplish. Knowing this about you, I am using it… but I also am calling you just to be with Me, hearing Me. I have told you repeatedly that you needn’t found some new sect or be a sought after guru. You just have to be faithful to this process and be willing to give time to Me. Writing down what you hear is a compromise with your need to accomplish, but it also gives you an incredible “library” of My Teachings that can quietly reread and ponder. You needn’t be an activist for or against your culture and its profligate ways. You can just be one who hears Me and thinks on the thoughts I share with you.

I am now calling Andrea in a new way for her. She also has a need for accomplishment. I approve of what she has done this far to “further the cause” of spiritual wellness. She is young, and I look forward to more accomplishments from/by her… and yet I now call her to listen to… and to hear… Me. The way is similar to but not exactly the same as yours. I enjoy varying the way with each called person. I am not the supreme icon painter. I value diversity… and you have heard this repeatedly, but in many different contexts. It is important for you two to be in touch and to share observations and interpretations as you receive guidance from Me, however I identify Myself.

SUN., MAR. 29, 1992, 7:35 AM

My ways are as the sands of the many seashores on My earth… of the sandman… (Ha!) This means, of course, that I have uncountable ways of functioning in people’s lives and in the earth… and I, naturally, am the Holy Spirit of the Triune Lord God. I understand this earth scene so thoroughly, despite its complexity, that I work along with natural events and circumstances… and consequences… so that what I do can rarely be discerned from “what would have happened anyway.”

I am busy prolonging individual lives and . . .

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