My Will

SAT., MAR. 3, 1984, 6:16 AM

A fundamental tenet of any theology is some assumption about the nature of My will. (Remember that I speak as the Holy Spirit, the teaching-counseling nature of Almighty God, but when I explain “My will” it is that representing Myself as Trinity… God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.) So I affirm the Trinity with which you are comfortable and invite you, o son, to hear a discourse important to your theological understanding. And it is My will that you hear and understand.

My will is variable in its application. It can be exerted with vast power, overcoming principles of action/reaction in the earth. Said another way, miracles happen because of My will. Nothing, finally, can stand against My will. No other force or law can thwart this Will. When it is My will that you be here for a Teaching you shall be here.

However… My will is evoked in this powerful form rather seldom, here in the earth. I created it as a realm in which human will is to be tested and developed. Developed toward what? Toward conforming to My will, which is an appropriate balance of exerting and letting other wills dominate. I created humans to have wills, and growth toward spiritual maturity involves exercising that will.

I created evil forces as means of testing and developing human will. But there are so many forces and such a variety of situations that it is virtually impossible to identify evil and good as separate forces. I can and do use evil forces to achieve My will (for I may use anything I have created). Conversely, the exertion of My will may produce results which seem, to some, to be evil… at least undesirable. I allow “bad things to happen to good people”, sometimes because the total result is good for other good people.

The other important reason is that without some tragedy, suffering, and strife spirit cannot grow and develop as it should. Some have too much suffering, but, also, some have too little. It is not a simple matter to achieve the best balance for each soul, throughout life.

When an individual, by the exertion of her will, denies Me and pays Me no heed I react variably. In some instances I exert My will as a counter force, overcoming that willful act and bringing that soul back to active relationship with Me. But I do this only when I know that the person is “ready” (and outward appearances are no certain measure of that readiness). In other instances I am there as a less powerful counter force, influencing but not forcing… allowing the consequences of no active relationship with Me. In still other cases I let the will go its way, noting that all consequences are not disastrous. Good church folk like to affirm that not conforming to My will always results in tragedy and unhappiness. Not so.

There are people who have very happy and successful earth lives without active relationship with Me. But a single earth life is not “all there is”. And spiritual growth and development, which comes most fully through interaction with Me and My will, is “what it’s all about.” So, that happy, successful life may represent a “waste”… just as an evening of drinking and carousing may be enjoyable, but, finally, of no lasting value (which is not to say that all drinking and carousing has no lasting value).

SAT., MAR. 3, 1984, 6:16 AM

A fundamental tenet of any theology is some assumption about the nature of My will. (Remember that I speak as the Holy Spirit, the teaching-counseling nature of Almighty God, but when I explain “My will” it is that representing Myself as Trinity… God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.) So I affirm the Trinity with which you are comfortable and invite you, o son, to hear a discourse important to your theological understanding. And it is My will that you hear and understand.

My will is variable in its application. It can . . .

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