Mystic In The Midst

SUN., OCT. 1, 1989, 6:55 AM

I have told you, son of Mine, that this is at least a semi-mystical process that you and I have developed. In a culture dominated by rational thought, scientific proof, and skepticism about matters mystical, there you are in the midst. I have told you that you may refer to yourself as a mystic, as long as you qualify this assertion and downgrade its importance.

You have heard and written down many words, phrases, and total thoughts which you rightly attribute to Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. The Holy Scriptures attest, by references here and there that I am active in the earth, but these Holy words give no clear prescription for what I shall and can do. Thus, there can be no Scriptural basis for refuting your mystical gift. It cannot be argued that you are doing something the Scriptures forbid. Of course there could be the contention that this is suspect because the Holy Writ does not describe it and say that there will be those who write in every age.

Such a position would be very safe and very conservative, but would call into question the worth of much in modern life. That finally is an untenable position, in general. The obvious modification is that only in matters spiritual must there be exact Scriptural affirmation. Even thought falls finally into confusion or at least into rationalizing justifications for certain doctrines. Remember that there is nothing in the Bible that proclaims there shall be no other source of truth than this one.

Now I did let Paul offer a few affirmations about the truth of his message, but it has to be doctrine rather than Scripture which asserts that everything Paul said to particular churches at a particular time applies, without question, in every present situation. Paul was chosen for a supreme task, which was to write letters about grace, which was to become a key reality in the Christian faith. I had to offer him much help in this writing. This that We do shall never become Holy Scripture, but it is the same process.

You are not a holy man, as that term should be exemplified. Neither are you an evil man nor a reprobate. You are an ordinary, above-average teacher, with some developed writing skills whom I chose for this tangible task. Together We have created tangible evidence of your commitment and willingness to write. That file drawer of volumes contains much truth for your life, but also for this time in your culture.

I allow you to “dispense” this cautiously and yet blatantly. The Ruminations now ready for printing and mailing proclaims again, as each letter should and does, that the words in elite type are Mine. And the process, though tangible, is mystical and finally cannot be explained any other way.

In this present letter My words do not classify Me as clearly anti-drug. Rather, I am for the exhibition and exercise of spirit under any conditions. As Jesus I was not in active opposition to the institution of slavery. Instead I proclaimed that in Me there was no distinction between slave and free. I did not challenge the male domination of the time but merely asserted that in Me the distinction did not exist.

This is a mystical process, so you must be the mystic, as I certainly am. Do what you can to avoid controversy. As I have told you over these years that you have been hearing Me, the way to remain less controversial is to offer service that people appreciate. Write the newsletter brightly. Greet people warmly on a Sunday morning. Lead the worship service and pray with obvious zeal and integrity. Participate as fully in the life of the church, the university, and the community as possible. This is your protection against being branded a kook or a heretic.

SUN., OCT. 1, 1989, 6:55 AM

I have told you, son of Mine, that this is at least a semi-mystical process that you and I have developed. In a culture dominated by rational thought, scientific proof, and skepticism about matters mystical, there you are in the midst. I have told you that you may refer to yourself as a mystic, as long as you qualify this assertion and downgrade its importance.

You have heard and written down many words, phrases, and total thoughts which you rightly attribute to Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God . . .

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