Mystical Christianity

SAT., MAY 29, 1999, 6:25 AM

You are trying to read this book, with this title as part of its sub-title, but it somehow is not what you expected. Move on, assessing chapter headings, and see how it ends. In the meantime, hear what I have to say about this Christian religion of which you are a part (an active part… you have been)… and also the mystical “tradition.”

There is a great “spread” between the high liturgical, hierarchal “portions” of My Body, the Church… and the liberal, less liturgical expressions… and the charismatic, free-flowing Pentecostal gatherings. (And, of course, there are other “parts of the Body” with diverse traditions and practices… and theologies).

Some humans grow up, in a family, with a particular denomination or “way” and maintain that through life, with more and less commitment. You grew up as a Methodist, but when you began life independently, in Hawaii you became a Congregationalist, different more in organization and “governance” than in worship style and theology. (Also it was closer, “geographically,” and had a better choir, of which you were a contributing member.)

When you came to Stanford you… and Lenore… were attracted to the Presbyterian Church, which was not much different in worship style, with some variation in organization. But you discovered that the “founder” of this denomination, John Calvin, offered the doctrine of pre-destination, which was an attractive one for you. That is, there was rejection of free will for all humans and acceptance of the truth that I call certain folk to Me, some for specific tasks… callings. You knew, even then, that you were one being called, but not for what… other than general Christian service.

Lenore, who had become “one” with you, mystically, in marriage, came from the less liturgical but behaviorally more strict Southern Baptist fold, with grandparents who were Pentecostal ministers and a Mother who was a prophetess, a means by which I have sent direct messages to many people. Together you and Lenore have been Presbyterians for nearly 50 years.

I have told you, repeatedly, that I have created and I do love diversity. And nowhere is this more evident than in what I tell you is My favorite religion, Christianity. Your older three sons, raised in the Presbyterian “camp,” have each gone to more liturgical, more “historic” and more free will oriented parts of “the Body” (for it still is One Body!)

And you, living out an aspect of being “elected”… even predestined… have responded to My Call… I, now speaking as Holy Spirit… to hear Me in this organized, semi-liturgical way, but fully in the midst of My mystical tradition.

You remain a Christian, and a Presbyterian Elder, even, but you know more of Me, here at the end of the 20th century, than many Christians, from the whole range, who rely mostly on Holy Scripture… that of 2,000 to 4,000+ years ago. (Oh, it is still relevant, and I certainly don’t deny its validity and importance, but I am here and active in this earth scene, quite different, in many way, from that of the Jews, and the early Gentile converts.)

I, Holy Spirit, am the most mystical of the Trinity. I have been present, “from the beginning,” but, also, I “came forth” on Pentecost, causing strange behaviors in these disciples and friends of Mine, as the crucified, and risen, Lord Jesus. I am One with Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior. I am One with God Almighty, Omnipotent and Omniscient, the Father. As God and as Jesus I am “safely restricted” to what I said and did in the Old and New Testaments.

SAT., MAY 29, 1999, 6:25 AM

You are trying to read this book, with this title as part of its sub-title, but it somehow is not what you expected. Move on, assessing chapter headings, and see how it ends. In the meantime, hear what I have to say about this Christian religion of which you are a part (an active part… you have been)… and also the mystical “tradition.”

There is a great “spread” between the high liturgical, hierarchal “portions” of My Body, the Church… and the liberal, less liturgical expressions… and the charismatic, free-flowing . . .

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