Mystical Events

MON., MAY 17, 1982, 5:38 AM

Yesterday, o son, you used the teaching entitled Prophesy as the “lesson”… the basis for morning discussion. Prophesy, when it is genuine, is a mystical event, for it represents the fact that a human person is able to hear and to know what no others can hear and know. In some instances the prophet is truly surprised at his entrance into mystery. In others the prophet knows a process that brings forth fruit from a realm unavailable to most.

The earth is a “natural” world. I created it to have tangibility, measurable qualities, and a certain amount of reproducability. The whole enterprise of science evolved and developed out of the predictability that is characteristic of My created earth.

Still, know that it is wrong to perceive the earth as being only natural… completely measurable… even mostly predictable. Each day in the earth is rife with mystical events, though most of them go unreported… even unrecognized. You are now rather comfortable with this mystical event in which I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, come and guide your pen to produce teachings that shall eventually have myriad uses in the earth. One of the by-products of the comfort you feel and increasingly exhibit is an openness, that is apparent to others, to share mystical experiences that others have and to respond to and give interpretations of these as if they were (and are) legitimate phenomena of this earth experience.

Dolores sought you yesterday and told of her latest mystical event. You were careful, but you interpreted well. I am seeking her attention, and I use this method because it is often effective. The lesson of yesterday told, truly, that you are not one to carry prophetic messages, so you can still breathe easily. I shall not use you as the bearer of My intent and desire for her. However, as part of this teaching it is appropriate to report that Dolores is truly involved in a mystical event, of My origin. Remain in contact with her, for you shall find her experiences enlightening and profitable.

Let Me address another concern of yours with another portion of this teaching. Not all mystical events are directly of Me. There are spirits at work in the world that some of My servants call evil. On the one hand I have no objection to this designation, for I do call some to be part of the rhythm that identifies and calls attention to these “evil spirits”. On the other hand, I still am in charge of My world and what occurs in the earth does not happen without at least My tacit blessing. I do not call you to focus on “evil”, but, rather, to see that what may have evil intent… and is “evil”… may still be a means by which I prevail, in ways I could not have succeeded directly.

So, yes, there are mystical events arranged and orchestrated by spirits that are not in tune with Me. Know that some will continually say this of you and of these teachings. Just know what you know, accept My assurances that it is I who speak, and continue to affirm, without argument, that these teachings are a mystical event from the Holy Spirit.

MON., MAY 17, 1982, 5:38 AM

Yesterday, o son, you used the teaching entitled Prophesy as the “lesson”… the basis for morning discussion. Prophesy, when it is genuine, is a mystical event, for it represents the fact that a human person is able to hear and to know what no others can hear and know. In some instances the prophet is truly surprised at his entrance into mystery. In others the prophet knows a process that brings forth fruit from a realm unavailable to most.

The earth is a “natural” world. I created it to have tangibility . . .

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