Mystical… Fun

THURS., MAY 16, 1996, 6:38 AM

You, and others who are well educated in culture, see this earth scene in rational, predictable ways. There are natural laws that have been discovered. Your culture has myriad laws, with a judicial and penal system to uphold such laws and shape behavior in the social dimension.

You have been through an extensive educational system, and you have been a teacher in it for, what, 47 years now. You have learned to think in certain ways, and you have taught others to think comparably. You have developed variations, but education is still, in theory, quite a rational process.

Your religion is Christian, and you are a respectable devotee in a middle-of-the-road denomination. The Holy Bible is the Word, with Commandments and other “laws” and ways of behaving derived from the Jesus story and from Paul’s letters. “The Bible says…” is the basis for a rational, predictable religion which fits fairly well with other aspects of your culture.

But I, the Holy Spirit, confess to you that a completely rational, predictable realm, with a rational, agreed-upon set of Scriptures as its base, is not as much fun as I’d like it to be. What has fun to do with anything? Though fun is not missing from the Scriptures it is a rare interpretation that has any aspect of Us, the Triune God, interested in fun. Well, remember that I have told you repeatedly, and I emphasize it again today, that I enjoy what I do in this earth realm, and, yes, I have fun… and I want you to have fun, too.

This is not to negate the serious and the rational. It just is the appropriate and necessary balance to it. The other balance is the mystical. The Scriptures are actually awash with mystical happenings, but, for most of you, these have become rationalized… or just accepted as the way things were in those faraway Biblical times… or just ignored.

So what have I done with you? I have taken a well-educated, rational Christian professor, in a field, health, that is not only rational but scientific, and urged you to come to Me, often, and receive mystical Teachings. I use your hand-writing, your language, with its grammar, syntax, and punctuation, and your mind, but the Teachings are from Me, the Spirit that has been fire, wind, and a dove (which isn’t very rational). Why have I done this? Because it’s fun.

Now this doesn’t mean that there’s no seriousness to what I have you write. I speak, in this way, in 1996, just as I did to those folks in the Biblical story, as I did to people before that story, to people in other parts of the earth, as I did to people in the nearly 2,000 years since Bible times, as I do today to many other folk (most of whom are not much like you), and as I shall for eternity. I just have fun being a loquacious Spirit… always have, always will.

A mystic is one who participates in the mystical. The mystical is that which cannot be adequately explained by your culture’s beliefs in what is possible and likely. Therefore the mystical is potentially dangerous. Some even believe in evil forces that have greater power and influence than We have, and, therefore, mystical Teachings may be coming from some devil… or other. So part of My sense of fun is coming to you, who don’t really want to be seen as heretical and dangerous, with Teachings that don’t always fit with orthodox Scriptural interpretations.

THURS., MAY 16, 1996, 6:38 AM

You, and others who are well educated in culture, see this earth scene in rational, predictable ways. There are natural laws that have been discovered. Your culture has myriad laws, with a judicial and penal system to uphold such laws and shape behavior in the social dimension.

You have been through an extensive educational system, and you have been a teacher in it for, what, 47 years now. You have learned to think in certain ways, and you have taught others to think comparably. You have developed variations, but education is . . .

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