Mystical Meanings

FRI., MAR. 18, 1994, 5:45 AM

Some events… some experiences have mystical meanings in addition to the logical, rational, culturally defined meanings that seem more obvious. These mystical meanings relate to spirit and, even, to Me, the Holy Spirit. So… some of what happens and is observed is not “as it seems to be.” The most important meaning is not the one your mind identifies, but, rather, the one, or ones, your spirit discerns as mystical. One obvious illustration:

Your leg and your foot send forth odd spasms of pain. You are considering seeking the physiological/medical meaning of such bothersome pains, with the hope that such knowledge could lead to treatment that would bring relief… even the return of normalcy. It now appears that chiropractic meanings did not translate into relief. Will medical be any better? How do these relate to mystical meanings… that the pain and dysfunction are ways to get your attention, and what I want is a more selfless living of your life. This sort of meaning seemed to be of most import on two previous like occurrences; is this the appropriate one now? You must discern.

You recall My interpretation of the story, in the Gospel of John, of My first miracle, as Jesus. I was at a wedding feast, and they were running out of wine, so I changed water into wine… like 150 gallons or so. And it was good wine, not the more ordinary or poor quality that would be expected toward the end of a celebration. There has to be a mystical meaning to such an act. It can’t be that I just wanted more people to get drunk, with the harm to self and others that often comes from drunken behavior. The text suggest that I was just showing off the power of God that I had, and that some believed in Me because of that evidenced power. This seems to be a bitter meaning, but perhaps there is some even more mystical meaning… that you will one day discern.

The mystical meaning of Easter is one of the common explanations, yet there is not full acceptance of this, even among Christians, those who do not think mystically, often or well. This mystical meaning includes the premise that, as Jesus, I had to die, so that all humans who believed in Me would have eternal, everlasting life. My real death resulted in death, thenceforth, being unreal. Further, I took all of your sins upon Me on that cross, even ones you may commit today, and thus you can live forgiven lives.

Now this is a meaning quite more far-reaching than… Jesus was becoming a threat to the established religion, particularly in claiming, indirectly at least, to be the long-awaited Messiah, so He was put to death to stop the development of a dangerous cult. His “return to life” was a story told by his die-hard followers, and was never confirmed officially.

After Easter shall come Pentecost, a celebration that may come to have more importance in your church than previously. The meaning of this happening is almost entirely mystical, for it is about Me, the Holy Spirit, and in the Scriptural story I am mostly mystical. It says I came as wind and fire and caused certain disciples to preach eloquently… and in a way that all could understand. The mystical meaning is that I am Love, and the language of love is universal. This “day” has also been identified as the Birthday of the Church. I determined that there would be a Church, in which the Lord God in Christ would be remembered, loved, and worshipped. So I gave forth the power that made the development of the Christian Church both possible and certain.

FRI., MAR. 18, 1994, 5:45 AM

Some events… some experiences have mystical meanings in addition to the logical, rational, culturally defined meanings that seem more obvious. These mystical meanings relate to spirit and, even, to Me, the Holy Spirit. So… some of what happens and is observed is not “as it seems to be.” The most important meaning is not the one your mind identifies, but, rather, the one, or ones, your spirit discerns as mystical. One obvious illustration:

Your leg and your foot send forth odd spasms of pain. You are considering seeking the physiological/medical . . .

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