Mystical… Mysteries

SAT., NOV. 1, 1997, 6:27 AM

This morning you are faced with quite a minor mystery – your glasses are nowhere to be found. This old pair will suffice for this Teaching, but it is worrisome that you, who have prided yourself on not being careless with this necessary “crutch”, cannot find them in any place that you ordinarily would. Yet you are wise in deciding that this Teaching is your priority… after covering the rabbits from raindrops.

Let’s start with the obvious: these Teachings that you receive from Me, Holy Spirit, are mystical. There is no way they can be proven to be real… and not just a “figment of your imagination”. Comparing them with Holy Scripture (which doesn’t always “agree with itself”) would show general agreement but a few differences. So judgment becomes necessary, and even judgment by a group (who? how many? in complete agreement?) is not necessarily relevant. Our standard is: you write what you hear, and if it isn’t as I wish it to be I’ll correct or modify such in another Teaching.

You accept that I may be preventing you from finding these useful spectacles to illustrate that mysteries are a part of earth life. There is much about the life you are privileged to lead that you don’t truly understand… and this is true of all of you, even the most brilliant. The human mind is quite obviously a marvelous aspect of Creation, but there now is more knowledge than any one person can understand, however this comes about… and learning has a mystical dimension to it, certainly. Thus, as it has been said (and I’ll say it, too) you become “relatively” less knowledgeable each day. Therefore, particularly at your age, you should set priorities as to what you want to learn, anew, and what you want to retain, by relearning or revisitation.

The leaves on the tree in front of you have now almost all turned to shades of red and gold. Those on the tree to your left have some variety, but are mostly gold. You realize that a botanist has much knowledge about what happens in leaves that bring about this change. To you it is unimportant, and you can accept that this is just a seasonal mystery, an aspect of beauty.

The movie that you saw last evening did not even attempt to explain the mystery of how a young boy could be chosen to be the spiritual leader of a Buddhist people… or was he chosen by Me, with this “chosenness” to be discerned by the adult monks? The “process”, whatever it is, is a mystical one, which can’t truly be understood in Western thinking. Can it be proved that he is the true Dalai Lama? This is just an irrelevant question… like unto whether these Teachings you write are truly from the Holy Spirit… of the God Who was (and is?) in Christ. I say so, but can I be trusted? Whew! Mystery!

You need no longer to be concerned about many of the secular, political, economic issues of health, the field that has been yours for these many years. Your influence will continue to wane, but you, personally, should come to greater understanding of spirit as the dominant dimension of health and being. You will have some opportunities to share this, and you will, but your greater knowledge of this aspect of life need have no practical purpose.

Rather, I deem it the very best way to round out this earth life, the best transition on to your next realm. Your spiritual memory can be continually filled, even as your intellectual memory loses power and becomes defective. Do not consider it a “sacrifice” that you don’t take an interest in all that your secular culture suggests is important. You needn’t be harsh with yourself, but just let your spirit gently lead you to… and away from… certain focuses of attention.

SAT., NOV. 1, 1997, 6:27 AM

This morning you are faced with quite a minor mystery – your glasses are nowhere to be found. This old pair will suffice for this Teaching, but it is worrisome that you, who have prided yourself on not being careless with this necessary “crutch”, cannot find them in any place that you ordinarily would. Yet you are wise in deciding that this Teaching is your priority… after covering the rabbits from raindrops.

Let’s start with the obvious: these Teachings that you receive from Me, Holy Spirit, are mystical. There is no . . .

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