Mystical… No Ka Oe

WED., NOV. 10, 1999, 9:28 AM

Yes, o son, I, Holy Spirit, Am Mystical, and hence a good deal of what My Scriptures offer is, finally, mystical. And you’re right – it is difficult for you, and others in your culture, who are “well-educated,” to totally grasp this and mesh it with the rational and logical. But as you age and are no longer deeply involved with the courses with which you completed your active career… and with your “scientific” profession… it is becoming easier to accept.

One obvious area of human concern and activity… one of your special courses… is dying and death. There is much that is factual and even academic about this aspect of life, but your interest, increasingly, is in the mystical nature of this life event. You plan to have your body go to Mortuary Science, to become a useful cadaver, eventually becoming a container of cremains. These are to be scattered in the four designated places on the Farm, and thus you will continue to have a mystical presence in these four sites. You feel sure these places will not remain as they are now, but, mystically, for you, they will.

You have no assurance that, in spirit, you will “be around” in this area, for you expect to be involved in a much larger more compelling “environment,” even as you can only vaguely imagine… or remember… what this is actually like. Yet because you are “entertaining” the mystical you are increasingly looking forward to this transition.

And this doesn’t mean that you want to die… that this life is no longer worth living. I want you to be aware of and appreciate all that this earth life, as Bob Russell, still has to offer. Yet I don’t want you to hold on to it over-long. Hear a fairly apt analogy: you go to Hawaii, to the island of Oahu, and there is much that is still familiar there. It is fun to be there, for nostalgic reasons and for current pleasureful experiences. It is a life scene that still persists, after all these years. But then it is time to come home, and you know where that is and how comfortable and yet exciting that always is.

There is a mystical quality to your “life” there, and one equal in your life here. Savor these contrasting…and, at the same time complementary… life scenes. When you finally heed My call to “come on over” you will find it as familiar as your Farm and this area.

You may consider going to a convention again, in the Spring or next Fall. Your absence for these several years means that you become more mystical for those who know you, but don’t see or hear from you. It could be good for you, and for some of these “professional,” even spiritual, friends.

I’ll now comment on an area of life related, in some ways, to dying and death. This is what can be called the “environment,” which I continue to say is increasingly over-dominated by you humans. What seems to be good for humans, particularly in the “short run,” is often harmful to the environment. But the “earth” does have its ways of adapting… “fighting back.” There can be… and have been… both droughts and floods… and various forms of wind and water. Despite what scientific humans can devise the earth may produce less food than is needed, with hunger and starvation as consequences. Loss of lives will be mourned, but you must realize that the balance of “the good life” requires illness, weakness, and death.

WED., NOV. 10, 1999, 9:28 AM

Yes, o son, I, Holy Spirit, Am Mystical, and hence a good deal of what My Scriptures offer is, finally, mystical. And you’re right – it is difficult for you, and others in your culture, who are “well-educated,” to totally grasp this and mesh it with the rational and logical. But as you age and are no longer deeply involved with the courses with which you completed your active career… and with your “scientific” profession… it is becoming easier to accept.

One obvious area of human concern and . . .

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